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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Seriously, talking about the difference between 3.5 and 3.9 grams being so critical in your cranks. Make 7 inch 3 oz plugs and you'll have a it more leeway!
  2. No, and 22g.Click on the link in the tutorial for the SS. They are the cheapest you'll find and the material is primo.
  3. This will get you started. http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=46 Husky
  4. .0625, 1/16th" SS is Sufficient. If it fails, trust me, you didn't want to see the thing that broke it. I use the next size down in may of my smaller (6") lures.
  5. Try any places that sells candy making supplies. Colored foil is commonly used as candy wrap. Let you fingers do the walking!
  6. That's it. It's that bleeding effect that allows the foil and color to come through. BTW, once you glue it to the foil, you can touch it up with a pen to sharpen lines and details.
  7. Tracing paper takes the print better but is opaqe and will prevent tbe undercoats to come through. The Tissue literally vanished, yet the printed image remains. Tissue also lays on the lure, much better. Are you using the Gift Wrap tissue?
  8. Copy and paste it in MS Word, set the paper size to legal and print. That should work. Mind you, you'll need a very high resolution picture for such a large bait.
  9. NO, and Yes HD has it in the .093 thickness. Make sure it says Lexan on the paper backing.
  10. Husky

    Heat guns

    I've always had good luck with this model. Keeps the Mosquitos down, too. I hear BIG TIME BUILDERS, like CC use it because they're just so busy.
  11. Hey Chubby Nubs, Your membership card to the MONSTER GARAGE LURE BUILING CLUB is in the mail. Art Brush dubbed me with the Title of Pres. but after catching you act, I see I have a Compatriot. Our Motto is; "To heck with confomity!" Very Nice Work, BTW. I'd like to see a Photo/Foil finish on one of those Pretty Puppies you make. Keep them coming. Can you use a router on that plastic? TIA
  12. How'd I miss that? Dirtyratsafratsapegalooma! :grin: Wait, 30 days from when?? I'm still in the game. Now if only Enron will come around.
  13. I just reread The Tutorial and I see where it says you'll sell me a truck at cost. I must've missed that before.
  14. Your work looks great, especially for a maiden. Welcome to the club. I'm glad you found the tissue/foil technique to your liking.
  15. You "dun good" Blades. Those things are down right SPOOKY. Kudos to you and to Coley for the heads up.
  16. Fearless Leader moved it to the Trading Post forum.
  17. You'll have to search out an Etex thread for that problem. It seems guys love it or hate it and that it works great or it stinks. Trust me when I say that the Tissue will allow the undercoat to show through much better than tracing paper. It sounds as though all you're doing is increasing the image size on your screen, and not to the print out. Check your "Page Setup" and Do "Print Preview" to see how it will look printed. I don't use MS PAINT but I believe theres a size reference there somewhere. I think it's inder "Image" and click "attributes". Mike P
  18. Welcome aboard, Kirsten. No, it is the type that comes in large sheets and is used as a space filler in gift bags and boxes. There is a picture of it in the Tutorial. Here's the link. The tutorial is in the "How To" section. http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=43
  19. Go to Googles Images and searc under the baitfish you want to get. If you have a digital camera you can take your own. Here's the result for Minnow. http://images.google.com/images?q=Minnow&hl=en&btnG=Search+Images Also, Yahoo has images that you can search. Remember the more pixels the better the rendition.
  20. I feel like a proud Poppa! Nice work and I'm glad you found the technique usefull.
  21. Jed' date=' some of the photos don't give a true indication of how the foil shines through. This one shows it well. No flash was used so the rendition isn't sharp but you can see the refective abilities coming through. It has a painted black back and white belly. As I said, the tissue literally vanishes and the underlying coat comes through. BTW, Folks lure is tissue over white paint. [img']http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Grmstr/FoilShiningThru.jpg[/img]
  22. JMHO, but printing on the tissue is simpler than running the sprayed foil through and it also allows you to put the photo over plain paint. Attaching the tissue to the foil takes under a minute and can be done with everyday products. Once the tissue is touched by the topcat or clear, it virtually disappears. Running 2" foil tape through the printer is no easy task and that process is avoided by printing on the tissue.
  23. You can touch the devcon in 2 hrs but it will continue to cure up to 8 or so depending on the conditions.
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