I made some swimbait molds from a model of my own design. The first few are made from slicone using the squish method. I had some POP/Durhams around so, I made a mold using the same model. When I looked at the pours. side by side, the POP pourings were noticeably. larger, appx 1/4 inch longer and proportionally wider, on a 3" casting, BUT the pours are totally symetrical, not stretched or in anyway compromised. They are just larger. Actually, I'm OK with it as now I have 2 sizes but I'm a bit miffed how this could have occurred. After comparing further, The POP pours are the same size as the original model (A hard urethane model, ) with the Silicone pours being smaller.
"Curiouser and Curiouser." I don't have a comparison shot of the pours side by side yet, but here are some pics of the Silicone mold and pour which were the ones not following the models dimensions.