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Everything posted by Husky

  1. This may be more than you asked for, but it works the same as if you're applyung foil, alone. http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=43&sid=12357fb34362b953d92751e4049c8543
  2. Folk, The paper is translucent, but becomes nearly transparent when the first epoxy coat goes on. It is stronger (less tear prone) than Kleenex and more translucent than cigarette paper. Most card or gift shops carry it. The tissue is tacked down on it's edges, with a glue stick, to a sheet of regular paper. (Put the glue on the regular paper and lay the tissue flat onto it, being careful to avoid wrinkles.) Trim the tissue so it is 8.5" x 11", with no overhang. That will allow it to run through a printer with no problems. Print more than one set of images, at once, to save time. The ink will not run! The cost per bait is appx 1 cent U.S. Husky
  3. If the stuff can stand up to NY traffic, what can a fish do to it? Seriously, I think it could be an alternative to lead in order to create light weight castings. Spray the mold with a Universal MR and give it a try.
  4. Hey Aussie Ranger, Try contacting anyone in the "Composites" business. Also any company that make fiberglass boats and surf boards. Many times, Urethane foam is used in their manufacture. Remember, 16 lb wt (the densest) is the prefered product. Mike P
  5. Hey, It's not like I didn't warn you! Undercuts in any rigid material spell disaster. The Urethane rubber is a bit more forgiving but is more costly. I didn't seal the cap on one part tightly enough and wound up with a 2lb cylinder of rubber. We wanna see some pics when you're ready. Welcome to the world of foam.
  6. Shawn and Jerry were kind enough to put up a new tutorial of mine. It's a little different than what you all have been doing and the results are pretty neat. As usual, If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me. FYI, just glue the edges of the Tissue to the regular paper. All that's required is that the edges of the tissue are flat and secured. BTW, Terry has a new one up, too. It's "How To Make A Bomber" Mike P http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=3498&start=45
  7. Husky

    Beta Bunker

    Got this report from my Tester. It was the maiden Voyage. " I started the bunker in the river' date=' first run was with 1/0 trebles on both hangers. Got a 3lb smallie and 2 6lb walleyes on it then got a ferocious hit, after about 5min I saw a huge set of stripes that had to be from a 25lber, then my line went limp. I started reeling in in disgust and realized I still had the plug. When I got her in, the front treble was pulled straight, so I went to a pair of 3/0's, but they killed the action. Then I put a 3/0 on the front and a 3/0 bucktail dressed siwash on the rear and she swam like a dream. 2 more casts and I had a hard hit, and after 10 min I had a 22lber on the rocks. Funny thing was the fish had a nice hole in the other side of his mouth and a wound on his neck that was still bleeding, oddly enough spaced out to the distance of the hooks on the bunker! Within the next hour I landed 2 more bass, a 12lb and a 16lb, and 3 more walleyes between 4 and 8 lbs. I was fishing 2 hrs on either side of the high tide, and just as I was saying last cast for the 14th time, I got another hit, but it was very lite. I reeled in a herring about 9"long! I dont if it wanted to eat, fight or hump the plug but it hit it. He is still in the freezer waiting to be cut bait ." And This; [url']http://www.stripersonline.com/ubb547/ultimatebb.php/topic/11/4756.html[/url]
  8. Thanks, I appreciate the compliment and I am happy you found it useful. No, I use whatever Auto Zone or VIP has on the shelf. Just be sure you do it outside if at all possible, as the stuff does stink.
  9. Husky

    Beta Bunker

    I just got the Bugs worked out. This Bunker (Menhadden) is a Tissue over Copper foil rendition. It's a 5" long Foamy thru wire cast in, .093 Lexan lip, with 5/6 oz ballast. It's heading for its' new home in Jersey.
  10. Very nice as usual! How soon until you Christen the new site? Where do yo get your pics. I'm almost tempted to head to the Fish Market with My digital!
  11. Thanks SC, A version of that herring got some nice Weaks last week. See BIGROCK'S post. Ah heck, I guess I'll have to give him some credit, too. He's a fisherman extraordinaire and a Tackle Tester Supreme. http://www.stripersonline.com/ubb547/ultimatebb.php/topic/11/4756.html They're all Foamies. Wait til I finish the Bunker I have drying. I have a new favorite. You can use this method on wood too. And you can attach the tissue over paint and spray it with a clear then topcoat. I just may put up a tutorial on this method, I'm so pleased with it.
  12. I have tried something similar with great results. What I do now is attach White gift wrap tissue ont a piece of regular paper. Trial and error has shown that a gule stick works best. Then I print the both sides of the bait onto it, using the Photo quality rendition. Spray very thin foil with adhesive and place the tissue on it. Cut the silhouette of the bait. You can then attach the foil/tissue to the bait as you would plain foil. I give it 2 or 3 quick dips in Tallys Plasticoat ( See his tutorial). Use the clear. The clear makes the tissue become transparent so the foils shines through. Finally I paint the back and belly and top coat. It's very inexpensive and works great. Here are a few examples BUNKER HERRING MACKEREL
  13. Husky


    I use .093 because it's the only size i can get. It's available at HD.
  14. I guess it's OK if you like perfection. It's guys like you, Artbrush and Vy that keep my inferiority complex intact!
  15. Hey Brock, You can make the mold from an existing lure, just be sure to mark the centerline. (No patent talk please) 7.) Take a razor and trim back the Bondo near the model until you can see a hint of the center line. (Sorry about the Borrowed Photo. I Ran out of hands. As you are covering more than 1/2 the lure/model with Bondo, you will have to trim it back to the centerline to get it to release. OTHERWISE IT WILL BE UNABLE TO GET OUT OF THE MOLD. The finished mold MUST have 2 symetrical parts. I hope that explains it. How big are the lures. The 4lb kit (It's a qt of each pt, 1/2 gal. total) of the 16 lb wt. (That's the density of the foam when cured) will make 1/4 cu ft of cured product. That's 1 sq ft by 3 inches of lures. PM me with any questions. Do the BONDO outdoors, if possible to avoid stinking up the house![/b]
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