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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Some are over 100 years old.
  2. Husky

    Weighting trick

    It's threads like this that make TU such a special site. I'm glad someone here was paying attention while in school! :oops:
  3. Husky

    glider design

    I'm glad you found your way here. Riverman is our resident Glider expert. I'm sure he'll be chiming in with some words of wisdom. BTW, that's a very nice plug you have there.
  4. Husky

    Lure Copies

    I feel the urge to put in my $.02, here. First, what is unique about a specific lure that its' patent applies to? I've seen "Bombers" that look and have no discernable difference to a Cordell Redfin from the 70's. Patents are finite with a 17 year life and one renewal, if memory serves. That would mean that any lure patent 34 years ago now falls into public domain. Any lure from '71 and back could be copied freely. The point I'm making is that you must know to what the patent applies to, to say that there is an infringement.
  5. I couldn't find a picture of it, considering it was from '67. It was a piece of Broomstick with its' rear tapered with a sander, through wired with galvanized wire, an alum. lip and sprayed rattle can white. I rushed to the rocks to try it out and nailed a 17" striper on the 3rd cast. BTW, it was a s ugly as sin. "My name is Mike and I'm a Plugaholic"
  6. Happy 4th of July to you, too. You anf BIGROCK are Salting things up, nicely. Why such a narrow tail on those swimmers? What are they made from?
  7. I make my own. I use Bondo for the molds. See my bondo tutorial on how to make the mold.
  8. They remind me of Surfsters on Roids! Your stuff really kicks.
  9. There is an english version available. You have to request it when you register. Click on the Flag. http://www.lurebuilding.nl/indexeng.html
  10. Husky

    Table Top Epoxy

    Got a link??? : I know you're the man, lead us out of our maze. :idea:
  11. Here's some info on wood. P 9-10. http://www.proscale.com/downloads/Woodworking_Products/Pro-60_Manual.pdf
  12. Husky

    Table Top Epoxy

    How about a Tutorial on it. There is nothing worse than having a Top Coat go bad, after working to get everything else perfect. TIA
  13. Is this the same as Etex? The Price looks good. It's the Kleer Koat Table Top Epoxy at the bottomhttp://www.uscomposites.com/epoxy.html
  14. Husky

    Jointed Pikies

    Excellent work Andrew. Are the primarily for trolling or casting?
  15. Husky

    FNG here.....

    Welcome aboard, Bigrock. There's a Great Bunch of Guys here, and not as touchy in regard to Links. Mike P
  16. What he said, plus I drill a couple of small holes so the epoxy can bond to both sides of the lure, as well as to the lip and lure.
  17. Just go to TU Search, Search Forums, hardbaits and ask away. Leave the resat of the week free as you'll need it to read all that's there!
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