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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Thanks for those kind and inspirational words. BUT....You obviously missed Vy's new offerings! AND there's a rumor that some FSU fan has been knocking out some Great baits that are in high demand. Got Pics
  2. Some poor kid in Ontario had had his Bicycle turned into a unicycle! I was expecting something different, and that sure is different :!: Very Nice job
  3. Those are great, as usual! I always look foward to reading your posts as they are either ultra informative or just plain loaded with eye candy! Good luck with your website. Mike P
  4. Check Tally's tutorial under How to, hardbaits.
  5. I stink at taking pics. This is a better view of my "Bolt's Dam Plug" 4 1/2" 1 oz. It Has taken SM's during swim tests. We're happy with it.
  6. I haven't compared the 2 but here's another supplier. http://www.shopmaninc.com/moldmaking.html Smooth on was less expensive in with their urethane rubber but much more costly with their expandable foam. It pays to shop!
  7. Glad to see ya guys are new Buds. Now Robby, that you got him into the 21st Century with his painting apparatus, anything is possible. The dude will be down right awesome. It's almost a shame to see all that rattle can expertise go unused. Is there a lathe in the near future??? :
  8. Here's an entry level process that will help you get started. http://www.tackleunderground.com/index.php?page=10&mode=article&k=30 From there you can take it in many directions.
  9. Husky


    You guys have to get into Googling! Sometimes it's easier to just order online and pay the freight than pull your hair out, of which I don't have much left. http://www.google.com/froogle?q=lexan+sheets
  10. All I can say is look for a listing of "Composite Materials" Suppliers. The Foam is widely used in Boat Building, so you might try calling a Marine Supplier. Did you Google it? You can always relocate to one of your former colonies, we have plenty, better weather, too! Click below for UK venders http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%22expanding+urethane+foam%22+Uk&btnG=Search
  11. Husky

    Little hooks

    Screw Eyes. Try here, http://www.lurebuilding.nl/indexeng.html
  12. Firebait, I believe most of the fellows here are using rubber specifically made for making baits. It is cheaper than the silicone an more manageable, IMHO. Everything you'd need to know about that process will be in these archives.
  13. It looks good enough to eat! What size is it?
  14. The wrapping tissue is not the same as the "blow your nose tissues" It is smooth, strong and thin. It comes in rather large sheets. I paid $1 for about 40 26" x 20 sheets. It also comes in colors.
  15. Thank You. Between yours, and the other Godfather offer I got (An offer you can't refuse) my card is now, most gratefully, filled. Thank you both so very much. All The Way!
  16. Here's a Mackerel in progress. It needs Back and belly paint, but has been clear dipped 3 times.
  17. Thanks but you're way off base, process wise. As those who know me, know I'm cheap as they come, So believe me when I say, this is an inexpensive method. This is a foamie bait. All I did was print the pics on white gift wraping tissue, which I taped on to a regular sheet of paper to get it through my printer. Printed it at Best Quality and glued the pics to Foil Tape, with spray adhesive. Once it dried, I cut the pics and the tape together, with the pics sillouette, placing them on the bait, and worked the foil in with a round pen. I didn't bother to try and cover the whole bait. Instead, after the pic was placed on the bait, I gave it 2 to 3 dips in clear Plasticoat (See Tallys Tute) and let it dry out totally. That will remove the "Panty Line of the foil. Once dried I rattlecanned the back black and the belly white, top coated with Etex, twice. With a wooden bait, a couple of coats of platicoat before foiling would be necessary in addition to the above, JMHO. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! THAT'S A GIZZARD SHAD, BTW. That yellow shading is from the pic.
  18. Finally, I came up with a non traditional but satisfactory method. This is what it looks like on a practice plug. I'm looking for someone who can finish spray a couple with an airbrush for me. I'm a rattle can guy and the blending in should look much better with an airbrush. Just back and belly.
  19. Husky

    ugly baits

    True Story. I went to Cape Cod last June. I hurriedly finished a batch of plugs for the trip. I was always partial to a white body/ red headed plug, so I made one for the trip. I was new to foam then so I foiled all the foamies so the paint would adhere properly. (Now I use plasticoat as a Primer/Sealer for the foam.) Thebplug looked great if I say so myself. When I got to the beach, I started using it, immediately. After about 3 casts I noticed the foil was lifting. To my chagrin, I realized I didn't top coat the thing. Action was slow so I just peeled the foil and along with it, the paint off. I was left with a amber, raw foamy. Suddenly a school of Bluefish came real close so I just threw the Nude plug as not to ruin any nicely finished plugs to the Choppers teeth. I banged out quite a few, all on the unfinished plug, and even got a gawking 8 yr old one, his very first. The next day I saw birds working so, assuming the blues were back, I went to the Nudie. I got 2 Nice Stripers and then a Bunch more Blues, all on that plug. I will never put a finish on it!
  20. That's a time saver. How many templates do you have? Do I sense SS Lips and through wiring in your future? The "Ho'd Thing was the tip off> What are you using for a cutter and guide, and what was the alignment process for them? TIA
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