THe man has got much more. And it's all fish "Ketchin'" proven. Let's just say that if he flooded the market with his stuff, Cabelas would get concerned!
And we're supposed to take your word for it? I think Some of us will just have to come down for a month or so and find out for ourselves.
Sounds like some great fishing. Do you have to run very far off shore?
The vaseline is the key to the release but I like to thin it down. Infact, I wipe the mold down after applying the mix, keeping the Release agent as thin as possible so the lure doesn't pick up any shape from the thick RA. Just my $.02.
woodsac, Kudos for the really nice lure! It's all a learning experience. The guys on this board will bend over backwards to keep you on course The more you do, the easier it gets. Welcome to the "Brotherhood."
Just use the search function in one of the lure making forums and you will have access to more information than you could ever need. Also check out the tutorials under "How To"
It's very nice. The problem I have using such a work of art is that the Bluefish, which inhabit the waters where I fish, will trash a plug like that in no time . Save that Puppy for bass.
How do you search the photo section using the user name as criretia? I don't find the pictures name very helpful when I'm looking for a specific posters work.
Here's a shameless plug for my own tutorial. It's an inexpensive and easy way to get into the Mold Making, lure casting procedure, IMHO