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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Hey Vytautas, The "Flash", where the mold halves meet is a problem when working with foam. Have you tried "Foiling" the baits, and then finishing. It will give you a great base to paint or decal over. A good clear coat will lock it all in. Does anyone know a good clear coat to use?
  2. Dear Riverman, Could you please post a schematic of that bad boy? Just all the details would be fine. TIA Btw, it looked great in the Movie.
  3. Check out thr Krylon Metalics. $3.79 a can, here and looks like the real thing. JMHO.
  4. Husky

    New popper

    Yes, thank you.
  5. Husky

    New popper

    2 more quick questions, please. What did you make your mold out of and what type of resin did you cast the plug from? I'm guessing Silicone for the mold and and Featherlite for the Lures.
  6. Husky

    New popper

    Your work is par excellance. Truly, a work of art. Now that you have a master mold, can you make the lure in quantity? Your Humble Admirer, Mike P
  7. Husky

    New Projects

    Hey, Chip. Are you going "HOLLYWOOD" on us?? Kudos to ya'.
  8. I picked up some everyday tracing paper which is lighter than copier paper ' date=' so it hugs the plug a bit better. You have to be a bit more cautious when burnishing it but conversely, it needs much less "working in." I also use a standard glue stick and once it has [b']FULLY[/b] set, spray the plug with a coat of clear Krylon Lacquer. You can and should cheat a bit by painting the base colors of the plug first.
  9. Husky

    Wood Filler

    Try Epoxy Plummers Putty. Cures in 5 Minutes and is stronger than the wood you're using it on.
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=57121&item=3825970722&rd=1
  11. What's the minimum recoat time for Envirotex? Will recoating too soon effect the 1st coat? TIA
  12. I only took plugs that I made over the winter. All were made of 16 lb Expandable foam. The action of the swimmers were excellent but the weed problem nixed their usage, I had one PP type 6" 1 oz wh/ red head with me. After about a half hour of playing with it, it became obvious that I didn't top coat it I wound up stripping it and was left with an amber unfinished PP. Birds were working Heavily, all of the in coming tide and I was told that Bass hit the beach the 2 previous days so I hung out, all day. About 3:30 I saw birds working closer to shore, about 1/4 mile south of me. I hurried down and as I got there is saw fish and birds working. 1st cast with the PP landed a 6+ lb Blue. Other guys using the plastic Commercial Ballastic were getting fish, too but not nearly with the frequency that I was. Then, the whole place erupted, just like a Primo Fall Blitz of Blues. I got one every cast and had the plug knocked around with many missed strikes. A family was walking ther beach, Dad with his video recorder Mom, a teenage girl and a boy about 8. I saw the boy gawking at the display, as I cast and hooked up, again. I called him over and handed the rod over to him, with me lending some muscle and know how. He managed to land a 6+ pounder and then we found out that his dad caught the whole thing no tape. That was the most fun, fishing, I ever had, nailing that fish, with the kid, on my naked PP. The moral of the story is sometimes "Naked is Best! " BTW, the Urethane Foam held up better than a wood Gibbs PP and didn't even have a scratch on it. The thru wire that was casted in was as good as new, too.
  13. An Indian Fishing god, Kwitchabeliakin, said be grateful for every fish fought. It could have been worse. What if she broke you off right at the hit and you lost your lure and never got to know the size of thge fish?
  14. These same types would take a Geo over a Mercedes and take a $50 Mountain Bike over a $1000 one because "they're the same!". Good ridance to them and keep up the good work, all of you. As for me, I'm just a Salt Water Hacker who likes to make my own, who enjoys seeing the works of true artists. You all like those $158 Issues?
  15. Here's some $158 dollar lures. Hit cancel for the download when you click it, and it'll open right uphttp://www.japantackle.com/HMNG_lures.htm
  16. So that's it....I thought my computer hiccupped!
  17. geneo, where can this Everbrite poduct be bought and what is the cure time? TIA, Mike P
  18. Jed, the widshield may block the UV rays and may not give you a true evaluation.
  19. Husky

    Lure Making DVD

    SOLD Can't Wait!
  20. The directions on Envirotex, tells how to achieve a Satin finish, but I never bothered to read how.
  21. Husky

    Balsa Foam

    Found this on a Google Search. http://www.dickblick.com/zz331/11/products.asp?param=0&ig_id=1974
  22. Thanx Jerry, It sounds like a good policy. It's just that I didn't know about it. :oops: I guess that explains why many of the older post I've researched have X where the pictures are supposed to be.
  23. What do you do when you get this message? "Sorry, you have reached your maximum Upload Quota Limit of 1 MB" :oops: TIA
  24. If the new stuff is any good, I can see everything at the "Chip" household with a thick Bar top coating! 27 gal. worth.
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