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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Chip, is it true that you are in possession of 30 GALLONS of Envirtex? There may be other addictions going on other than Devcon.
  2. Husky

    Balsa Foam

    Check out the current Polyurethane thread.
  3. Quite possibly Semetic in origin!
  4. Husky


    The Depot's got it. Now get there and finish those plugs. The fish are "Awaitin'."
  5. Just my 2 cents. I had a huge aversion to gobbing epoxy on my finger so I wrapped a bit of Saran Wrap as a barrier between my finger and the epoxy and it allowed me to smoothly and evenly spread the epoxy without needing medical attention afterwards.
  6. Husky

    PM Question.

    All my PM's go to my out box. How do you get them to go to the targeted member? TIA Mike P
  7. One of these places may help you.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Lexan+fabricators&btnG=Google+Search
  8. I just bought a sheet of .036 Stainless for my Saltwater swimmers. Has anyone here had experience with making stainless lips? I've used it in the past with good results but recall that working with it was a bear. Any tips or short cuts would be greatly appreciated. TIA Mike P
  9. Guys, I've had great luck fining images of bait by Google searching Images. I've already amassed quite a Library. Here's an example;
  10. Can Clear, High Gloss Urethane be used satisfactorily as a top and base coat for URETHANE FOAM AND FEATHERLITE lures?
  11. Which Brand Silicone do you all use? I've tried GE 100% Silicone and it never gets to a hardened state. How hard does your silicone cure to? TIA, Mike.
  12. That plug you've shown is a replica of the Gibbs Polaris Popper. Gibbs made wooden plug on cape Cod for over 50 years. He died just a few weeks a ago. There was the Swimmer, The Polaris, the Pencil Popper and the Darter. All were required carrying in a Surf Bag.
  13. Husky

    Pouring Help?

    I'm assuming R8 = 8 lb foam. If it is, try clogging the overflow hole . Not completly, but enough to where the foam is under more pressure inside the mold. I've notice that if the hole is too big, I get those same results. You can use a drop of rtv or silicone to do the job. 16 lb foam isd denser and heavier but it doesn't aerarate as readily as the 8 lb. stuff. Good Luck.
  14. Has anyone tried making anything like this plug. I fished them, extensively from the Cape to NJ with excellent results. They are so unique, I haven't seen anything similar to them, before or since. I still have one 2 oz. model left, although it bears the marks of many a Bluefish.
  15. Kiwi, et al., How about using brass BB's as they are readily available, cheap and are lighter than steel?
  16. How about Zinc? All those old window sashes you see are made opf it. Eachn one weihs about 10 Lbs.
  17. Has anyone used Fiberglass resin as a topcoat for plugs? I applied some on some scrap wood and the result was an even and durable finish. I want to try using a bit less activator in an attempt to keep the resin flowing longer and to avoid a build up on smaller lures. At $9 a Qt., it's a heck of alot cheaper than using Devcon. It's all about the end results but one must keep quality as a first consideration. I'm still experimenting, but hopefully this forum will accelerate the process.
  18. Does anyone recall Don Bingler and some of his unique hybrid creations? He was a true Sharpie in both fresh and salt water and always managed to manufacture effective and one of a kind lures. His most popular was the Bingle Swimmer which was deadly on Strippers, Blues and Weakfish. The only thing that could damage his offerings were rust and time as they were nearly indestructable. He was a big proponent of surgical tubing Has anyone been making and lures similar to his? BTW, I've been making lures since the 60's and I am truly amazed by some of the productions you fellows here are making. Thanx for the inspiration
  19. I'm not associated in any way withn this company and just today found their site. After reading the site's info, you'll know as much as I do.[/url]
  20. I hope this isn't breaking protocol or behaving in bad form. Does anyone know what happened to "The Other" tackle making site?
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