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Everything posted by Husky

  1. I used to make my own molds, about 15 yrs ago, for Jigs and squids out of Plaster and Dow Corning RTV 3120. What would be the best RTV to make molds for casting lead or tin? Where do you buy the RTV and at what price. TIA Husky
  2. I had a 10lb can sitting around after fixing some cracks and decided to try it out. Well, it sets up very fast and on the mold I tested it on, it made a mold with great hardness and detail retention. I don't have any plastic to try out, but this stuff appears to be able to do whatever plaster can, only better in regard to casting. Much less messy. If anyone else out there gives it a try, please keep me up to speed. BTW, it can be had in any hardware store.
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