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Everything posted by Husky

  1. It sound like one of Targets coatings. I had some SC9300, and after reading some posts, here. I decided to test it. I put a coat on a lure that has been coated with an Etex/D2T mix.I brushed it on and hung dry. After two days I suspended it in water for 3 days. When I took it out, it appeared the same as when it went in. SO, it probably will work, BUT, I believe the Waterborne Urethanes are finicky as to what they're top coating. Mine won't adhere to metal when put in water. Pick up a Pt and give it a good testing. You can use scrap and throw aways to practice on. I found that brushing works better for me than dipping. A thinner build up and nearly as fast. It goes in smooth, not heavy like the epoxies.
  2. It sound like one of Targets coatings. I had some SC9300, and after reading some posts, here. I decided to test it. I put a coat on a lure that has been coated with an Etex/D2T mix.I brushed it on and hung dry. After two days I suspended it in water for 3 days. When I took it out, it appeared the same as when it went in. SO, it probably will work, BUT, I believe the Waterborne Urethanes are finicky to what they're top coating. Mine won't adhere to metal when put in water. Pick up a Pt and give it a good testing. You can use scrap and throw aways to practice on. I found that brushing works better for me than dipping. A thinner build up and nearly as fast. It goes in smooth, not heavy like the epoxirs.
  3. As an alternative to the BriteBak, one can pick up some "Ultra Foil" from most Dollar Stores. It has to be the flimsiest household foil on Earth, but it's flimsiness makes it great for foiling plugs. I use spray adhesive to affix it to the plugs.
  4. I've seen that happen with epoxy TC's too. The TC usually doesn't cause the paint to lift when it fails, but peels off first then ther paint takes it's turn. How long did the paint set and was the paint compatible with a Water Based TC?
  5. Please expand on why it's unsuitable. TIA
  6. If you go to a "Kitchen Supply" store you can pick up a heat disperser that goes onto your burner. It's used to keep the heat from burning what'a at the bottom of the pot. We had one for the pressure cooker.
  7. I was in the middle of a project, TCing some FoTins, which require a 2 Pt TC. I was using some Etex due to the volume I had to do. After metering out the Etex, I thought I could use more, but already cleaned up, so I added a bit of D2T into it. I mixed as usual and the mixture went on well and set quicker than Etex ever did. It was appx 4 or 5 to one Etex. Anyone else here blend the two?
  8. I don't see what's so special about that color. Nice catching!
  9. Her's a link to to THE premier Off Shore Trolling Lure maker. I was there and I must say I ws impredssed. Everything is the place is hand crafted on site. Their Trolling heads are balanced to run true. They are cast in silicone. Black
  10. Thanks for that, Ray. I was thinning it with mineral spirits, but this sounds better. I'll give it a go, asap. I hope silver works, because that's what I ordered. Is there any difference in the end product? I s the mold as hard as without the colorant?
  11. Google Devcon 2 Ton and 9 0unces. There are many places you can get the 9 oz size for $10 - $12.
  12. If your mold is already made, you can use staples that you've bent in half to hold the harness in place. It's a quick fix but it works well. If you're building a mold, you can mold in locator "pins" for the harness.
  13. Were you in on it, too? I'm having a heck of a time, explaining to the Bride, why I still need more plastic! It turned out to be a VG deal. 9" Sluggo types sure can eat up plastic at a good rate!
  14. I came into the possession of appx. 30 lbs of used Calhoun plastic, some salted in MANY assorted colors. If I blend the dark colors and add black colorant, can I get a color that's near black? "Real close" is OK. FWIW These most likely will become Bluefish Chow and will be for "Personal Use".
  15. I'm color impaired, which means I'm moderately "color blind." I can see colors but I have have difficulty distinguishing them, especially Grays, Greens, browns. How can I assure that I've got the right color? IOW, is following the recipe foolproof?
  16. Question, which brand Silicone did you use? WalMarts Mainstay and ACE hardwares own brand (Comes in Wh, Clr or Blk) are the two I can vouch for.
  17. I got a rush order for a 9" Sluggo Type, in white. I knocked out the model and molded it, then made these pours, all in a couple of hours. Finally, I went over a buck in Silicone! Only by 5 cents, though. Here's the model, eyes and all, affixed to the squishing board.
  18. The Artist sand is very fine, but that means that any fine sand will do. Rememver, I said I used it with UR, not foam, but I believe it will serve the same function. It's like adding sand and fine stone with cement to make concrete. It's worth a shot.BTW, I got mine in a local art store. The name is Estes Art Sand, Estesco.com
  19. Bears has something similar. 1 Piece 5 Cavity 2 3/4 Claw Chunk Trailer [CLC275-5O] - $32.50 : Bears Baits, Soft Plastic Pouring Supplies http://www.bearsbaits.com/Cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_17&products_id=70
  20. Pete, Try adding Artist Sand (it comes in color) to the foam. Experiment, starting with 50/50 Foam/Sand. It will Add weight and wont compromise the structural integrity of the plug. I've been using it with UR and it works great for making the lures heavier w/o ballast.
  21. Yes, I mix them prior to adding the catalyst. I use the catalyst as if it were straight Body Filler. IIRC, all the Body Filler is, is Resin with a filler i.e. talc to thicken it and give it body. When you get it to the consistency of honey, it becomes very pourable and really picks up every detail, while also self leveling well. You can ponder how you want to do it while sitting in your hot tub, sipping Chardonay. You have PM's on SBO.
  22. He said he didn't have the mold but did have the bait. If I had a better understanding of what his desired end results are I could give him better input.
  23. Since Direct TV ditched Versus, It seems that everytime I look to the sporting shows it's either Hunting, Archery, or anything but fishing. No Roland, Jimmy, Sosin, Dahlberg
  24. Ok, let's talk Turkey. First, is the bait a copyrighted or patented? Next, how many baits do you need to make? I ask because to get proper usage or profit from 1000 molds, you'd either first have to sell them or run a production line with many workers. So, what are you looking to do with the molds? Remember, 100 10 cavity molds will yield as much as 1000 1 cavity molds.
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