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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Husky

    Liquid pvc

    Try the RP-40 Urethane Resin sold by Dascar on Ebay. I found that to be a great product and less expensive than most. That gets blended with Micro Balloons for buoyancy, There has been much written in that subject, here. Search Urethane Resin and Alumilite..
  2. I just had to put in my . One KISS solution, that happens to be foolproof, fast and easy is to fill the eye of the hook with clay prior to pouring. You only need enough to fill the eye, but a tad extra won't mess up anything. Removal of the clay, after pouring is a snap.
  3. Score a few vent lines, radiating from the cavity, to allow air to escape and lead to fill in.
  4. Jordan, try this. When you go to Tutorials, click "From the Beginning" where the time line is. Searching the Soft Plastic forum with your criteria should also produce results even though they are not posted as tutorials:twocents:
  5. If you are in S.A. and face expensive shipping charges and have long waits for delivery, you can use crayons and pastel drawing sticks (search this forum for more details), in the interim.
  6. You might want to try this method for VERY INEXPENSIVE RTV molds. I've been more than pleased with the results!
  7. Check this out. That lure is a snap to make a mold of!
  8. Thanks for the feedback. I'm happy that you found the subject useful. If you have pics, I'd love to see them, as many others here might, as well. BTW, Giving Credit where it's due, albeit a bit tardy, I believe Jerry Redg8r posted the process of making a silicone "Clam Mold", years ago, which is where I originally found out about the water curing of Silicone.
  9. Good point as this method was Originally Conceived for 1/2 Round, IOW One Piece Molds. BTW, if the model has a lot of fine detail, it helps to put a quick thin application of the Silicone directly on the Model before "Squishing" to catch all the details. That's what I learned at Hammer Mechanic School this week.
  10. The One I have only says Recordsol Paint Thinner on it. It doesn't list the ingredients. It says General Purpose Thinner and Clean Air Solvent on the Bottle.
  11. Today, I made a mold of a VERY complex critter using this method, and it came out perfectly! I'd post a pic, but it is for a "Client" who asked that it remain unseen! The detail is comparable to the "Expensive Spread".
  12. Greer on Ebay fo larger amounts. For 1/2 Rounds (1 piece molds) you can use Silicone sealant with water @ $2.97 for 10 oz.
  13. I'm a big fan of Ultra Foil. It is by far the flimsiest and thinnest Kitchen foil sold! For its' intended purpose, it's quite awful, BUT for lure building, its' frail demeanor makes it the best foil for dressing a lure, IMHO.
  14. When I clicked your link, I got their Home Page, so I took it upon myself to tweak it. I'm color "impaired" so I'm useless to you color guys:cry: Surely, someone here will cypher the recipee.
  15. Hey Jay, Here are direct links to the color you want. SQUID 80 And Here
  16. Sonny, The ACE store by me only sells one kind of DAP in wh, blk and clear, so I can't tell you with any certainty, which one, as I don't have a tube in front of me, presently. Mainstay is a WalMart brand and, here in NH, it's in the paint section with all the other Caulks, right under where the D2T used to be!!
  17. I made a 2 part mold using Silicone Cauld. I laid the Ist part out you normally do and placed it in a Foam cutout box. I mixed the caulK with some paint thinner (about 5 - 10% by wt) and mixed in some water. Then I filled the mold box to the top, pressing the Siicone in with a Spackling applicator. I then squished the Silicone done with a flat piece of wood. When it set up, I turned the box over and placed some shims under the box, which were slightly thinner than the box. (The Box was 1/2" and the shims 3/8") I pushed the mold half down into so the model side was still in the remaining 1/8th inch. Using WD 40 as a release agent, I sprayed the model and all surfaces. Then I added another batch of Silicone Mixture as I had done previously. When that cured I Made a silicone hinge, cut pour and vent holes and poured a Resin MB mixture. A little sanding was all that was needed to get the casting ready for finishing. I'm sure you could do the same for soft castings. And that's what I learned at Hammer Mechanic School, yesterday!
  18. I mixed some paint thinner into it before adding water and that made a thinner softer mold. More like a Shore 8 than the Appx Shore 25 hardness straight water yields. Again, try some latex paint for color.
  19. That "Vinegar" odor is acetic acid. It's also found in Vinegar!
  20. Dave, the only colorants I used were Artist Sand in Blk, Orange, Blue and Colored glitter. I used those in the Clear RTV. Coloring Gray could be problematic Surely, a water based paint would color it but I don't know if it would be a vivid color. If you go to a paint store, the might give you a sample of straight colorant to try. Remember, you can only use it in a rigid mold because it will turn a silicone mold into a silicone block! The Baits will be quite stiff compared to Plastisol, BTW. Mike P
  21. George, I've yet to experience any problems with air bubbles in the numerous molds I've made. Again, this was with White Silicone Sealant sold at WalMart, under the Mainstay brand. You've opened a new door by mentioning the High Temp RTV Gasket Silicone! That is something worth looking into, for soft metal molds. TIA
  22. Thank you, Grasshoppers! You've done well. Questions: Which Brand Silicone Sealants did you use? Which color Silicones did you use? I ask because one fellow used GE 100% Silicone, and it did not set!! IOW's, all Silicones are not the same. As strange as it may sound, Some people live where there are no WalMarts:roll:. Caveat Emptor.
  23. Hey Piscivorous Pike It's good to hear you were pleased with the process. It is very simple, yet effective. I hope others here have found it to their liking. You have to admit, the price is right!
  24. It's a 2 part Resin that has the consistency of milk. It sets in about 3 minutes. It catches every detail but I'd recommend a little worm oil when pouring baits. $69 gets you a 2 gallon (14 lb) kit. TIA for the "Care Package". Mike P
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