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Everything posted by nova

  1. Why don't you get some supplies and pour your own. That way you can control the colors and the softness/hardness of each bait. Come on; join the rest of us addicts. lol
  2. nova


    I've ordered from them for approx 10 years now. Never had a problem and never had a backorder. Good folks to deal with. Lots of choices and good product.
  3. 4 oz. plastic 10 drops LC motoroil 1/8 tsp lumina black
  4. It might be that you are not putting enough plastic in the mold. As the plastic cools it contracts and settles into the mold. This may be why your edges are ragged.
  5. You could try worm oil, but that can be thick at times. Try Pam spray, but wait for the bubbles to disipate before you pour the second part. The sticking of the 2 halfs can be a pain. It only takes one bare spot to join it all together.
  6. I use acetone as a cleaner, it's quick. You have to bake the clay to get it hard. First roll it into a ball and then cut it in half, then bake it. after that it's ready to use. I use marine grade resin. You'll have to mess around with the amount of catalyst. Remember to keep notes so you can repeat it.
  7. Use sculpy clay. It hardens with heat. As far as the catalyst goes; it depends on where you live.(climate/temp) Good luck and let us know how you make out.
  8. Try a piece of clay rolled into a ball and then cut it in half; put that at the bottom of the pan before you pour the resin. remember to not use too much catalyst as the heat generated will warp the mold and the 2 pieces will not fit together correctly.
  9. I've not used Del's but I have used LC's for years. Don't worry about the flat top, it doesn't make a difference in the action. You can actually overfill the mold and achieve a rounded effect if you want to spend the time doing it.
  10. If you insure the baits, just do it enough to cover your costs.(baits, shipping/handling) That way you won't completely loose it all. Another thing you can do is to build the cost of insurance into the order.( it's usually only a dollar or two)
  11. Luremaking and fishing or girlfriend and beer. Wives just have to learn to make the choice. lol PS: I hope my wife doesn't read this post.
  12. Here's another tip. When you store melted plastic ,especially with salt in it, make sure you put it in a ziplock and get all the air out of it. If you don't the salt will pull moisture from the air and you will get a surprise when you try to remelt it.
  13. I wouldn't eat anything that was cooked in the micro I use to melt in. The whole inside is coated with a film from the plastic.
  14. A little trick I've used for large molds is to put long nails down each side and down the middle after you pour the resin and before it sets up. This will help keep the mold straight.
  15. You won't impress you wife if you put that in the oven,lol. I put too much catalyst once and the mold cracked when it cured. Room temp has a bearing on the amount of catalyst you use.
  16. I don't know if I would use nail polish remover; it usually has perfume in it. Get yourself a can of 100% acetone it will work better.
  17. Drink rum; not water; and you'll have a great time. lol
  18. I think what you have there is a "core-shot". You could do it as a vein pour but it will change the "look" of the bait. In other words it will not look exactly like the origional. I get this all the time and some customers just don't understand why you can't do a hand pour to look like an injection bait.
  19. To everyone at TU:- have the best Christmas that you can possibly have and a great New Year.
  20. I use old table knives to stir. Easy to clean up when you finish.
  21. I always add the color etc. (except glitter) before I heat the plastic. You get a more consistant finished product that way.
  22. LC's natural is a color that I use a lot for changeable colors. It works with almost any color.
  23. I switched over and later bought 55 gal drum.
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