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Everything posted by nova

  1. Black neon is simply a very dark black with lots of red flake. Highlites are designed to simply do just that; highlite the color. But as you get used to using them you can come up with other effects. Don't forget your color chart(red + blue = green etc).
  2. It's nice to hear things like that about the colors that you devise. Some of the colors a fellow just falls into easily and others can be a real nightmare. Thanks for your comments.
  3. Don't trow your salt away. Just heat it in an aluminum pot on your hotplate. That will take the moisture out.
  4. I don't think that is the problem. I have a 55 gal drum of Calhoun's. No problem at first(in the spring), now I have a problem with bubbles. Only thing different is the humidity. So, I think the major problem is moisture.
  5. Try 4oz. plastic; 1 or 2 drops amber, blue flake. If you are adding salt you will have to increase the color.
  6. nova


    All our prayers to you folks down there. We don't know how lucky we are until you see what other folks have to deal with. These types of things will bring out the best and the worst in people. I just don't know what else to say, I'm just blown away by it all.
  7. # 1 with the word "Tackle" inserted.
  8. Thanks for the nod Dave. When I started pouring in the early 90's I did not know another soul who did it besides Don Ivino in California and he wasn't talking. All I had was my imagination and an understanding wife. You can't imagine how excited I was when I found this site. TU has helped me move my art form/hobby along so, I'm more than happy to help out new folks with what little I've learned. I know what it is like to be frustrated trying to do something and be unable to move beyond a certain point because you're standing too close to the answer to see it.
  9. I don't know Nathan. In theory and on paper it may sound good but when you throw real live people in the mix things can go 7 ways from sunday real quick. My first mental image is a college setting with the dorms vs the sororities. I think that this may be a can of worms, that once opened, may not be too good for TU.
  10. Berkley is notorious for foaming.
  11. No problem Cotton. Just do it in short bursts as the impurities and moisture will cause the plastic to "foam up". Doing it in short bursts will minimize this effect a little and hopefully you won't wind up with an overflow in your micro.
  12. I feel for ya Dave(instant family), but they are so much fun and they'll keep you young. The bad smell is a combination of impurities, additives and the lower grade plastic that injection companies use. I started the same way some 13 years ago making Shadows in a 2 part plaster mold. I used a coleman stove and a cast iron pan until I set the whole thing on fire. then I went out and got a hotplate and an aluminum pot. Just pick up a hotplate at a yard sale. You don't have to have all high quality gear to start or even enjoy this hobby. I have a few LC molds I don't use anymore. Just PM me and we'll talk.
  13. Don't get me wrong Frank. I wasn't knocking your product. I like the effects I can get with it. What I was saying is that one should know what the perameters of the product a person is working with and stay within the tolerances of the product. PS:- I also like the gunsmoke glitter I use it in my smelt and green smoke.
  14. You have to work with what you have. The black hex 0.90 bleeds a little and after it bleeds it has a sort of shine to it. So, if you want a very light smoke don't add any color. I guess what I'm saying is that use what you have to come up with "new" colors/combinations instead of just copying standard colors. You might just surprise yourself.
  15. Kim; I've always bought my supplies from LC(some 12 yrs now). I useed the square glitter only until recently when I tried some of Sam's hex 0.90. I use it for specific results as it rolls over on itself when heated. If you look in the gallery for the firetiger you will see it. Basically, what I'm saying is that there should be a market for both. Nil
  16. http://senkosam.tripod.com
  17. Have you tried Senko Sam's sugar?
  18. Try my recipie again and add a little white pearl powder to it.
  19. I used to use coffee grinders but there is too much metal in them. The salt rusts them out in no time.(going through 3 a year). I just bought a "chopper/grinder". The only metal in the grinding bowl is the blade. Got it on sale for $12 CDN. It's not much bigger than the grinders.
  20. Don't use plaster. You will break your master. Use silicone caulking (you'll find that in the tutorials) make your first mold. Then pour several baits out of it. With those baits you then make your resin mold. A lot cheaper than 2 part silicone. Post a pic when you're done.
  21. I use LC green pumkin but I mix orange with it to get the color I want which is close to Zoom's.
  22. nova


    I'm like you Jim. I only use the metal pouring cups when I want to pour a fine line like a vein. If you put a pyrex on a heating source you are taking a chance of exploding it. It happened to me. Not a lot of fun; scared the beans and 2 lives out of me,lol.
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