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Everything posted by nova

  1. nova

    Try this one

    http://www.wagenschenke.ch have fun.
  2. Get yourself a coffee grinder(cheap one) and run your salt through it until it is like flour. Add your salt and colors before you heat. Make sure that you stir the mixture really well before you heat it.
  3. Yup, a little too much heat.
  4. You should consider motoroil, white, a yellow of some type and a brown of some type.
  5. I like this color and use it often. I use it when I want to make certain "chameleon" colors. In other words, the bait looks like one colr in your hand and another when you hold it up to the light. Or , in some cases, you can add a light touch of brown to a color.
  6. Ther is no set percentage of markup. The company will know what they need to cover their overhead and make a profit. You can suggest a selling price.
  7. nova

    Fluke Mold

    Warm mold, steady hands, and lots of practice.
  8. All I can say Red is WOW. 10 thumbs up.
  9. I tried a 2 part resin mold once and it warped as it cured. Needless to say it was unusable. Maybe I used too much hardner. I haven't had time to try another.
  10. nova


    That doesn't sound good Coley. I'm looking at a website and was considering PP. Now I'm not so sure.
  11. Here's a thought. If the mold is proper, you shouldn't have to hold it open. To me that is a pain in the bum. I had made silicone molds some time ago; but you have to hold open the slot to pour the bait. I don't pour them any more.
  12. I work by volumn. I use 4-5 oz plastic ans 1/4 cup salt. Did you heat the plastic completly? If you don't complete the heating process you will get "gummy" product.
  13. Alright class; can you say WOW. :!: :!:
  14. nova

    Nichols sand

    I went to the site but the picture is so small I really can't tell what color it actually is. If you can find a better picture I'll be glad to help.
  15. Anything that will completly seal the wood. Some type of wood sealer as this will sink into the wood and not take away from the detail of the master.
  16. Now that really make all the work worth while. Way to go.
  17. I noticed the same thing Mike. Your eyes don't dry out.
  18. nova

    Nichols sand

    Give us a site where we can see the color you are talking about.
  19. Thanks Ken. same to you and yours.
  20. nova


    Jim, I think you have the same camera I have.
  21. Ken, I wouldn't skimp on quality. If I knew then what I knew now. I'm sure we all have "junk" that we bought when we started, still kicking around. Look at the best that you can afford and then kick in a couple more bucks.
  22. nova


    I've just got a $200 camera, nothing fancy. I the function on "close-up", make sure the sun is behind me through my windows and doesn't cause a shadow on the baits. Get as close as possible viewing through the display. You are going to loose some of the effect of highlites. A camera is not like the human eye. If I want to defuse the flash I take a piece of kleenex, double it and hold it over the flash with an elastic.
  23. I've never used the matting in the molds but I have used 4" nails. Let me explain. A couple of the baits I pour, I have to tip the mold slightly and after several hundred baits the mold got so hot it began to sag. The nails are placed in the resin as soon after it is poured in the pan. I make large molds so ther are 2 nail, head to tail down each side and 2 nails in the center. Now my molds don't deflect with the heat. :idea:
  24. Bob, maybe what you should do is go to the gallery and pick out what you like and contact the people who made them.
  25. I use a full face mask because I had a 2 cup pyrex full of hot plastic explode on me. Not a lot of fun. Ya ever see the cartoon where the little dog scares the cat and the cat jumps to the ceiling and hangs there. Well, that's what I felt like.
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