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Everything posted by nova

  1. Yup; you got that right. Charlie is a really nice guy.
  2. I've been trying to do that one on and off for a year. The color works good dosen't it. as far as I know he(Charlie Case) is the only one producing that color.
  3. Here's a twist for you. If you pour the stick with no salt and leave the spru on the top(with a slight "cup" to it) you will have a topwater popping worm.
  4. I use a tilt of about 30 degrees only when I'm pouring laminations.
  5. Each time you tip your pouring cup you will deposit a layer of plastic one on top of the other. I make one tip per mold and do all 4 cavities. If you have only one mold then don't make for that 4 or 5 oz at a time. this way you will use almost all of the plastic for the one pour and you will only get one layer of build-up.
  6. Slow down your pouring so that you get a thin line of plastic(1/8"). Make sure that you get it to go directly into the hole of the mold. It takes a steady hand. If you are pouring quickly and you hit the side of the funnel, you will plug off the pouring hole. This is what I think may be happening to you.
  7. Frank watch out for 2 sided molds in resin. I tried it but the heat it produces as it cures warped the mold.
  8. The baits I posted in the photo gallery are made with this process. First the plaster mold then the plastic master then the resin.
  9. VF that's exactly what I do and it works great. Just be careful of bubbles. Before you pour the plastic let it set for a minute so the bubbles will rise and you can deal with them. After the plastic cools I pour resin in the master and in a 1/2 hour you have a working mold.
  10. nova

    Red Hooks

    Any time a tackle company comes out with words like "revolutionary"; I automatically think look out now. We have to remember that these companies have to constantly keep their sales up from year to year. So, they have to come up with new marketing programs in order to keep their jobs because if the company looses $ or the sales stay the same, the stockholders are not going to like that. Because the pressure to increase sales is so great; that's when the "bull****" starts. A large part of marketing is smoke and mirrors. Get as close to a lie as you can and still retain some truth. Sort of like our elected officials,lol. Anyway; just my 2 cents.
  11. nova

    Red Hooks

    Thank you Nathan. I've tried to explain that to a lot of people over the years and all I get is blank stares like I've lost my mind. I have a friend who is a commercial diver and he told me that blood in the water even at 5 feet is black. Tip: If you are fishing with red shad worms and you run out; switch to black. This red hook business, for other than topwater, is simply designed to catch the fisherman again.
  12. Jim there is no cure; although you could take 1 tsp of plastisol and call me in the morning,lol.
  13. I switched over to Calhoun's plastic and I like it a lot better. I only use LC colors. No problem.
  14. Frank; Maybe you should call it "crystal weight" or "heavy ice".
  15. Nice to see you back Andrew. Great looking bait.
  16. Do you mean the "vein" colors? If you do the active ingrediant is highlite colors.
  17. Chris, did you get my PM and did you try it?
  18. When you pour for yourself(store) you're your own slave; but when you pour for someone else, you're their slave. I guess a fella just has to make up his mind who he wants as a boss.
  19. If you use too much heat gold will bleed especially if you re-heat. Add the glitter after the plastic is ready for pouring. This will minimize the problem.
  20. Try making your own with resin. If it's done right, they come out quite nicely. There is a tutorial here for that. I believe that Woodsac did it.
  21. I think you're taking your baits out of the mold too soon. The more you pour the hotter your mold gets. So, you have to wait longer for you bait to set up. When you don't wait long enough your bait its not evenly cooled. This makes a "hot spot" which is where you get the dimple.
  22. Basic rule of physics guys. Heat expands; cold contracts.
  23. Tis true. Tis true, Frank. I guess it's just a case of mind over matter. As long as the fish bite....I don't mind and maybe that's what matters.
  24. Have you ever had a bass follow a crankbait all the way in and never hit it? That's why I scent a crankbait. In my mind it sets up a "chum line" of scent behind the bait for the fish to hone in on and maybe get him to think that it's edible. Maybe it's a confidence thing and maybe it's not. I really don't care as long as it catches fish.
  25. nova

    Auto Clear

    I have; years ago. The clear I used was 3 parts; clear-reducer-catalyst. Worked quite nicely but in order to get depth you had to put 3 or 4 coats. It held up pretty well also.
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