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Everything posted by nova

  1. I know what you mean. You have to move faster or you will freeze, so you do wind up making more baits.lol
  2. It all depends on how fast you want the bait to sink. 30 to 50%. You have to play around a little. The more salt you use the more you have to stir between pours. Also the temp of the water will play a part. The colder the water the denser it is and the bait will sink slower.
  3. nova


    Winterpeg eh? 12 degrees C in NS. Have a good one.
  4. I pour in a shop; but it is not the warmest. I've only had one cup explode on me. Not fun; it will scare the beans out of you. I place my cups on old Lurecraft molds now and I haven't had a problem since. I pour on a stainless steel table which is great for laying out the baits after I pull them out of the molds. Even so, exploding glass is still a concern.
  5. nova


    Merry Xmas to all in the "Underground Family" from my family.
  6. nova

    Check this out

    Jed; I didn't have to "make" him fish. He took to it like a duck to water. I've had him fishing since he was 6. We did the rock thing a little, the shore lunches, running the boat around the lake, etc. Once all that was out of his system all he wants to do is fish. He especially likes tournaments. He hangs around the guys and asks them questions.(the joke with the guys is that I send him around as a spy). In any case we have great fun and most of the time he's the one who pushes me. Fishing is what all kids should be addicted to.
  7. nova

    Check this out

    My son is now 36. He never did take to fishing but my 10 year old grandson can't get enough. I take him whenever I can. I even had him in a tournament when he was 9. He lasted the whole day (7am. to 4 pm.); I was amazed. He never stopped fishing and he never complained. It was a very cold day (late Oct). Every time he sees my partner(who works with my son) he tells him he is going to take his spot in the boat.
  8. I do most of my pouring in the winter and we gat a lot colder up here that you folks. You do have to re-heat more often but it is just something you have to work around. You also have to watch out for glitter that bleeds such as copper; it's fine for a couple of re-heats but it will bleed out if you re-heat too often. There are just a few basic do's and don't to follow. The rest is up to you and how you like to pour. The only limits are your wallet and your imagination. Good luck and welcome to "the family".
  9. Everyone should have a "special" present under their tree. A nice big exploding box of poop. That would fix em.lol
  10. I have compasion for a lot of things; but I don't have any for a thief. They should save the tax payers some money and just shoot them. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
  11. You also have to include the great feeling of catching fish on a bait that you designed and poured. That feeling is priceless.
  12. Instead of using salt to cure the hide try borax. It works quicker and dries better. Salt draws the moisture out of the hide and this takes time and can be quite messy if you don't get all the fat off of the hide. You can find borax in the soap isle at your grocery store. If you want to tan the hide look it up in an encycopedia or do a search on the net for "hide tanning".
  13. 1/2 cup plastic 8 drops motor oil 2 drops natural 1 drop watermelonseed black and gold glitter I hope Red dosen't mind but I call this one Underground Brown.
  14. 1/2 cup plastic 4 drops black grape 2 drops black 1/8 tsp violet highlight black glitter It gives a nice strong effect.
  15. There are definately some colors designed to catch the human eye not the fish eye. That part I call art; just nice to look at.
  16. Try this:- 4 oz. plastic 1/8 tsp highlight 2 drops black
  17. nova


    She lives in my basement. We've had her for a few years now. My cat loves her. She sits and licks her by the hour.(don't know if she gets high or not,lol) Neat to study the thing and get ideas from it.
  18. I prefer to use scent instead as the salt will suck it up and then let it out in the water.
  19. Mike; I guess we can call you Nick Nack too,lol.
  20. I used water purifier salt; it's a lot cheaper than pickling salt which is what I used to use. I just bought a 30 lb. bag for $3.00 CDN.
  21. This thing is driving me crazy. Can't leave it alone. Helps to get lots of work done,lol.
  22. I know thw name Pop, but I just can't place it. I'll check around for you.
  23. Maybe we should be making use of the classified page. Is that going to be up any time soon? Mike what about an old coffee pot warmer? The heating platform could be used with a large aluminum pot to keep the plastic warm.
  24. I understood the part about the larger volumn, but it still takes equal time. I also would be concerned about color separation with that.
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