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Everything posted by nova

  1. I think you guys are getting this all wrong. We're not saying that you can't catch bass without salted baits. We are saying that the salt will help the fish to hold on longer and with the stick-type baits it adds and action to the bait because of the high % of salt evenly distributed throughout the bait. To each his own but don't ignore the rest. It all works given the day, the water, and the fish.
  2. The problem with "soaking" the plastic baits in water, salt or otherwise, is that it will bleach out some of the color. Now, that may not be a bad thing because I know some guys who do this to change the colors of certain baits just a little to give them something just a little bit different from everyone else.
  3. If you know anybody in the automotive painting industry talk to them. They mix paint all the time. The quantities are different but the ratios are the same. You may also find out some relly neat ways of painting that you may not ever think of.
  4. I agree with the salt on the outside. To me when I see that I wonder who they trying to fool. But; when the salt is on the inside it takes longer to leach out giving a continuous sent trail. So' I'll stick with the salt inside the bait.
  5. The triggers are :- sound(lateral lines), site(action), smell( 4 pts/ billion), and then finally taste. After that it's swallow and poop,lol. The problem for lure makers is that you have to get all of these right to have a consistent producer. Something missing in any one of these and the fish will not complete his part of the deal.
  6. nova


    Try Hagen's.
  7. Salt is the main element in any blood. After you have tasted a food that you really like, the next time you taste it you have no hesitation about eating it. Fish are no different. We are all creatures of habitual programming.
  8. Likewise. I've dealt with Dave (LC) for quite a few years now and have had no problems. In fact on one order a couple of bottles of glitter broke(what a mess) and Dave gave me credit no questions asked. They have always treated me well.
  9. I don't think there is really a right way or a wrong way to do this. I believe that this "sport" is such a personal thing, you have to try different ways of doing it and then settle on whatever way suits you and the way that you do things. There are things that are constant like temperature and base amounts in your recipies; but after that it's all up to you. My advice to you is not make it too complicated and enjoy what you are doing.
  10. If you are heating those pans on a hotplate you have to be careful that the aluminum is not too thin as this will cause the plastic to heat too much and scorch. Generally the more you pay fo an aluminum pan the better the quality and thickness you will get. You can go too far with the thickness to the point that it takes forever to heat the plastic.
  11. I do it the same way except that I add my colors before I heat and I mix well making sure that there are no dark spots.
  12. Funny you should ask. I just started a 1000 pc. order I start pouring in the body working my way to the tail without filling the body. As I get to the tail I thin the stream of plastic, do the tail, then return to the body to finish. I pour with a microwave. The guys who use pouring pots may do it another way. The thing is; take your time and explore all ways that seem logical to you. You will eventually settle on a way that works for you. Good luck and happy pouring.
  13. Try this. 4 oz. plastic 1/8 tsp blue highlite black glitter fine gold glitter
  14. Me either. Sounds like it might just be a virus. i wish these puter nuts would take up making baits. That will mellow them out. lol
  15. I find that if I have the first color a few degrees higher than the second pour I get a fairly good seal with very little cracking.( the first color will cool slightly waiting for the second). If you remember the grubs I sent you; I had the first temperature (smoke color) a little higher than I pour laminations because I wanted the effect that you see in the grubs. ( you can't really tell where one color starts or ends). As it was said earlier; it all depends on the effect you are trying to get. The danger with laminations is that they will disconnect from each other when a customer is using the bait. That usually gets them very excited.
  16. I always keep a couple of those disposable cameras in my boat. Make sure you get the ones with the flash.
  17. I had the same problem with the GE; wouldn't harden up. Are you whipping the silicone or just stiring it gently. After it starts to get a little thicker take a putty knife and flatten the silicone out. This will help break the bubbles you made from stirring it. I tried something a little different. I buttered up the blank about 1/2" on all sides except the bottom; let it harden up. Then I set it in an alum. pan and poured plaster over top. When it came out I had an open silicone mold encased in plaster.(if you drop it, you just pour more plaster) it works just great.
  18. I have to use a respirator because of a sinus condition. If I don't use it and pour for a couple of hours I wind up with a splitting head. I use a full face one because I have a beard and it works fine. I also have a range fan that I run. The room I use is not very big and if I don't use the mask and fan you can't breath after awhile. I now use a micro and that helps a great deal(less smoke/fumes)
  19. Guy's; I've got a question. What is the manufacturer's intended use fro the putty. I can't find it up here in Canada. Maybe we have it under another name. Thanks for your help. Nova
  20. Takes all kinds I guess; but then again???????????? You never know there might be one rich nut out there.
  21. nova


    :idea: Have you guys tried painters' tape. The painters use it along edged of windows/trim (interior) so they don't get paint on the walls. It has an adhesive back which can be peeled of with no damage or residue left on the object.
  22. nova

    Swallowed hooks

    That's the same artical I've seen in other mags. I've tried it with smallies and killed fish trying to do it. May work better with largemouth because of the size difference. If you worried about killing or injuring smallies, take heed.
  23. nova

    Good News!

    Good for you. That's how the bigtime happens.
  24. nova

    Swallowed hooks

    I too have done that many times.(it's worse with smallies) I also used to beleive that the hooks would rust out until I started catching fish with hooks in them and the fishing line was full of algae. Probably the old style hooks might have rusted out in the past but now with nickle coating I don't think so. A DNR official told me to leave about 12-16" of line on the hook and possibly the fish will rub it out. I don't mean to sound hard about this but; I think it is just a fact that it will happen from time to time. I used to feel really bad about and still do from time to time but this is the only sport I do now and I'm not going to give it up. Just don't tell an activist about the hook problem;lol.
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