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Everything posted by nova

  1. The baits look really good. As for thr tail; try dippin' dye. Faster and easier. Sometimes the results are quite interesting.
  2. nova


    There ya go. I knew that someone out there was doing it. Very very nice. Thanks. I'll post mine soon.
  3. nova


    Neat. Looks good; but I meant making it look like a rat/mouse. I've been experimenting and if I can figure out how to post the pic I'll put it up.
  4. nova


    Has anyone been able to make a rat on a regular buzzbait and been able to make it run true?
  5. motor oil red is simply motor oil color with red glitter. Check the sticky; I posted a really good motor oil recipe. Nova
  6. Natural Worm 4 oz rubber 4 drops pumpkinseed 1 drop natural brown Glitter your choice Purple Camo 4 oz rubber 14 drops purple 14 drops natural brown green glitter Motor Oil Camo 4 oz rubber 5 drops natural brown 20 drops motor oil 2 drops green Motor Oil 4 oz rubber 2 drops black 14 drops golden yellow
  7. The baits look really good. You should do well with them. I wouldn't mind knowing the recipe for the brown one. Keep up the good work.
  8. nova

    Stik Color

    Has anyone been able to copy the Case color called "natural"? I've tried several times and wasted a lot of material. If you would let me know that would be helpful. Thanks........Nova
  9. Sorry Red :oops: I tried to post it on the sticky but it didn't work. As for the time pasted:- I still get very excited about new colors and I usually run right out to the shop and try them. I keep forgeting that not everyone is like me. (they have a life, lol) I'm rather new to this "forum thing". Bear with me, I'll get the hang of it. Thanks for the info.......Nova
  10. Has anyone tried the recipies I posted earlier? If so; what do you think? I know a lot of you have looked at them.
  11. I've never done that before. Good thought though to try an inexspensive medium to experiment with. Oil would only work if your dye is oil-based; otherwise it won't mix with the oil.
  12. You have to play with it a little. Start with 1/8 tsp then pour one out; have a look; then go from there. Either add another 1/8 tsp or more and have another look. Continue on until you get what you want. Expect to ruin a batch or two when you are trying to make new recipies though. Be careful with the heat as it will change the color a little.
  13. Lurecraft.com has the product you are looking for....Nova
  14. :idea: Here are some recipies that I promised last nite. I use LC colors. Natural Worm 4 oz. rubber 4 drops pumpkinseed 1 drop natural brown glitter your choice Purple Camo 4 oz. rubber 14 drops purple 14 drops natural brown green glitter Motor Oil camo 4 oz. rubber 5 drops natural brown 20 drops motor oil 2 drops green brown/silver/red/and green glitter Motor Oil 4 oz rubber 2 drops black 14 drops golden yellow I have found that almost any combination of colors which include natural brown will change the base color when you hold up to the lite. Give these recipies a try and let me know what you think. Nova[/b]
  15. Thanks for the quick response. I'll check it out..............Nova
  16. Hello everyone. This is my first post on this site. I've been roaming through the site for a while now and I must say thanks to all you folks who post ideas because you have helped me a great deal. I've been pouring baits for some 10 years now but I did not have contact with anyone who poured. In other words I've been in a bubble. My question is does Calhoun Plastics have a website and if so what is it? Because I've be isolated I have come up with some interesting colors(how about a motor oil that looks like motor oil). I will post some of the colors soon. I have another color that goes from pink to neon green when you hold it to the light. In any case this a GREAT site. Keep up the good work. Thanks.....Nova
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