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Everything posted by nova

  1. Sorry to tell you this but from looking at the pics I don't think you'll get your master out of the resin mold after it sets. There are compound curves in the master that will lock it in the resin. You may have to invest in RTV silicone to make a mold, or you could make a two part POP mold. www.novalures.com
  2. That's a good question; I don't know, never used shellac to seal wood masters. I would think that the heat generated by the resin will make the shellac sticky. You could wind up with a mess. I use spray paint like Tremclad to seal the masters. One coat; dry; fine steel wool; then coat again. Works fine. www.novalures.com
  3. Don't use lead inside the plastic; it will go all funky with a whitish slime around it. Try putting BB's in there instead. www.novalures.com
  4. Get 5 gal. Trust me on this. You will go through the plastic faster than you think and the larger volumn you buy the cheaper it is. www.novalures.com
  5. If you want a neat effect try putting a little fine silver holi flake with the pearl white only(no color). It really shimmers in the water. Good call on the colors Chris. www.novalures.com
  6. So, to sum up; we have dumb fish and we have smart fish ; and then there are the hatchery fish. I often wondered about that. www.novalures.com
  7. nova

    Hood Fan

    1/ You still have to lean over the pot when you pour; so you are still breathing in the fumes. Always wear the respirator. There are no shortcuts here. 2/ You will not "smoke" out your neighbours if you are heating the plastic at the right temp. There is just not that much smoke. Although they may complain about the smell of the scent if you use it in your plastic. lol. www.novalures.com
  8. I'm going to guess over a hundred. (sorry Richard) Probably 130 or 140. www.novalures.com
  9. nova

    Worm ID

    The top looks like green pumpkin with black in it. The bottom looks like LC's sweet potato; may also be LC's schoolbus yellow. www.novalures.com
  10. I may be mistaken but that design has been around for about 15 + years. There was a company in Lakeland Fla. that made them as well. www.novalures.com
  11. You don't need to start over. Just get more POP and pour it over the top of the thin one. You will need to make some indents and irregular marks in the thin POP before you pour the next layer. This will help with the bonding of the two halfs. Just be careful you don't go through the thin layer when you make the indents. (Take a pocket knife and put the point on the POP; then spin it like a drill. This will make a cone shape in the thin POP). That's how I make my line-up pins when I make a mold. www.novalures.com
  12. Happy birthday Jerry. Thanks for the opportunity to share in the great experiance called TU. www.novalures.com
  13. I didn't know they changed it. I haven't bought any for quite a while as I have a couple of large bottles and probably won't need any for a while yet. www.novalures.com
  14. I just checked the recipie again and I made a boo boo. Sorry guys; darn bifocals. It's should have read 8 oz. Yes; I only make a small hole in the bottle top. i use a 2/0 hook to make the holes. I've not tried golden yellow with it but that sounds interesting. I like that color. The orange will give it the brownish look that Zoom has. Check my website; that's what it will come out like. www.novalures.com
  15. nova

    Slow Cooker

    Give it a try. I think you'll like it. Make sure you use LC colors as I don't know what other companys' colors would come out like. (I haven't tried them for this recipie) www.novalures.com
  16. Ok; here's my Green Pumkinseed as promised. 4 oz plastic 16 drops LC green pumpkin 1 drop LC orange Black glitter www.novalures.com
  17. Ok; I'm going to do something I always said that I wouldn't do; but I'm feeling generous today and besides this is TU where the spirit of sharing is still alive. Still not going to share my Green Smoke though. I'll post my green pumkin recipie which I worked on for quite a while trying to copy Zoom's GP. Finally got it very very close, if not right on. I'll put it on the sticky. www.novalures.com
  18. nova

    Slow Cooker

    Probably a long list with mine and Dave's name at the top. lol:lol: Sorry Dave, had to do it. www.novalures.com
  19. nova

    Slow Cooker

    Try crockpot or crock pot. I remember the thread about this but like Delw, I don't remember who did it. Sorry. www.novalures.com
  20. Don't even think of putting water anywhere within 50 yards of hot plastic if you want to keep looking like you do now. If you want to undergo several operations in the burn unit, then be my guest. www.novalures.com
  21. I wouldn't put pyrex on a heat source. I may be all wrong but from what I understand of pyrex is that it's designed to take lots of heat from indirect sources; but if you put a direct source of heat I'm not sure what will happen. All that being said, you could try it. If it works, fine. If it doesn't, then you're out the cost of the pyrex, the heat source and whatever you had in the pyrex cup. Oh; almost forgot the mess you'll have to clean up; lol. www.novalures.com
  22. You have to use some heat stabilizer. This will allow you a few more reheats. What I do after it starts to turn is use it to make a dark color like green pumpkin or black, even pumpkinseed. Just don't let it turn too much as it will take on an unpleasant odor. www.novalures.com
  23. Did you bake the sculpy clay? If you didn't it will come right out of the POP with no problem. If you baked it and the bait is multi-dimentional you will not get it out of the POP without breaking the mold. www.novalures.com
  24. Happy birthday Jim. Have a good one buddy. www.novalures.com
  25. Richard, i don't know the name/type of the filters right now; but they were the ones that were for organics and all kinds of other things. I'll check them tomorrow and see if I can pull some numbers off them for you. www.novalures.com
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