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Everything posted by nova

  1. nova

    Sculpty Clay

    Firstly, are you baking the sculpy clay? If you are; don't. I'm also assuming the POP is sticking to the master. If you don't bake the clay the POP won't stick to it. Just glue the master to the pan and pour the plaster over it. www.novalures.com
  2. When you think you've got it just PM me. Please don't post it. www.novalures.com
  3. I put mine in gal jugs as well. I always use a funnel with a screen in it for the transfer just in case. www.novalures.com
  4. He might be referring to the paint he used. I've tried different types of paint in the past(years ago) and they will make a mess either with color transfer or just breaking down due to the chemicals in the plastic. Did you get the frogs figured out yet? www.novalures.com
  5. I assume that this question is for me? I pour a lot of baits and I have found that the glue wash; once it's heated; can be scraped off if you accidently hit it with your fingernails as you remove the baits. I'm not saying that the glue wash method is a bad way to do it; I'm just saying that, for me, it doesnt fit the way I pour. I'm not trying to knock anyone's way of doing things; we all have our own ways that eventually wind up at the same place. If you like that method and it works for you then fill your boots. I happen to like the epoxy coating the best. www.novalures.com
  6. nova

    IRS MAN Cometh

    Don't let them get their hands in your pockets; lol. www.novalures.com
  7. What are you refering to? www.novalures.com
  8. Check in the gallery. I had posted a pic of a 6" I had done a while back. www.novalures.com
  9. Try using JB Weld next time to repair the mold. Works great. www.novalures.com
  10. No problem at all. It's called " Adhaero" (correct spelling) and it's a 5 minute 2 part epoxy that I get at the Dollar Store. It's only a buck for the double syringe. The alcohol is Isopropyl 99%. The mixture is done by eye depending on how big the mold is I'm sealing. I will put 3 or 4 coats on. The first is quite thin because I want it to sink into the POP as much as possible. Each coat after is a little thicker but not by much. I never make the coats very thick and I pay attention to any detail in the bait because as you add coats you will begin to loose detail. I dry the mold in the oven at about 150 to help speed up the setting time between coats. DO NOT OVERHEAT. I can start making a mold in the morning; dry it in the oven; and seal it. Then be pouring baits mid afternoon. I hope this will help. www.novalures.com
  11. I'm assuming that you folks are using the "blue" windex and washer fluid to thin the paint. My question is; doesn't the thinner tend to tint the paint blue? www.novalures.com
  12. I tried once to match a color just like that by Case Plastics called natural. It's a really productive color. I went through a lot of plastic trying and just couldn't get it. If I remember right the closest I came was with amber and strawberry. If you get it let us know. www.novalures.com
  13. A little trick I just found is to fill any bubble holes in the POP with JB Weld. I just did a mold the other day and it had a couple of bubble depressions in it.(one was quite large) I grabbed the JB Weld and mixed a little up, filled the holes and let it set up. Then I proceeded to epoxy the POP in my normal way. Mold came out perfect. Just thought this might help. www.novalures.com
  14. Nice looking baits Mike. www.novalures.com
  15. nova

    Happy Birthday

    Have a good one Longhorn. All the best. www.novalures.com
  16. I've used differant types of paint to seal POP. What I found is that it either won't stand up for long or you get color transfer to the baits. The best thing that I have found for durabilty, lasting and quality of finish is epoxy. www.novalures.com
  17. Just exactly what I use Dave. I use it on the concrete floor in the garage. Just have to sharpen the hatchet after;lol. www.novalures.com
  18. It's probably just the degradation of the product. As saint pointed out the one that was exposed to the uv of the sun had the smell and the one behind didn't. Nothing is forever. All things degrade over time. Some faster than others.(I see this everytime I look in the mirror;lol) When things are put together chemically it's only natural that they want to return to their origional state. Also, the bags are probably degrading as well and don't forget the scent that may be involved as well. www.novalures.com
  19. Actually, I'm working on something to do with the swimtubes that; if it works; will have you guys saying why didn't I think of that. lol www.novalures.com
  20. nova

    New to TU

    Welcome. www.novalures.com
  21. If you get to the point that you think you've got it show me and I'll tell you if you did it. www.novalures.com
  22. Yes; I thin it with 95% alcohol.I apply the first layer quite thin so that it sinks well into the POP. As I apply the successive layers I make it less thin each time as I build toward the glassy finish I want. The thing that will determine how many layers you use is the detail of the mold. Too many layers and you will loose detail. To combat this I always make my details(fins, gills etc) much more pronounced so that when the epoxy builds to the finish I want the detail is still very visable. You are right about the trial and error. That is the best way to learn and even with the help of TU you will still make those mistakes until you develop a routine that will fit your needs. Everybody will have their own way of doing this but there are basic rules as well. Even though I've made hundreds of molds over the years I still make mistakes from time to time. I also find ways to tweek the way that I make the mold relative to what the final outcome is that I want. Don't be afraid to ask questions here; but be aware that a search can help you a lot as well. www.novalures.com
  23. I use sculpy clay all the time and I don't harden it. I do this because the one time I hardened it, I couldn't get it out of the POP without destroying the mold. Your final finish will come from what you seal the POP with. I get my best results with epoxy but some guys like the elmer's glue thing. www.novalures.com
  24. Why would you want to? www.novalures.com
  25. The hole is caused by the dipping iron after it's removed. If you go to my site, all of the ST Series baits have those holes; even the frogs. It's basically the same way that tubes are made. www.novalures.com
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