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Everything posted by nova

  1. I simply took a piece of copper pipe(1/2") and pounded flat with a hammer. Then I dug a recess in the POP mold where I wanted to have the slot. I then epoxyed it into place. Works just fine. www.novalures.com
  2. "My opinion". Pay the person a flat fee. Also get them to "sign off" on any future claims against the design/sales. Make sure you cover all the bases; get a standard release form and go from there.(Google it) The one big mistake that folks make is that they combine friendship and business together. The old saying holds here:- "nothing personal; it's just business". Good luck. www.novalures.com
  3. I put 3 or 4 coats on my molds. I thin the first coat down to almost water consistency and it soaks into the mold. The second coat is thinned a little less and this will soak in as well but only as far as the first coat. The third coat is thinned even a little less and this will build up the finish. Sometimes the 3rd coat is enough; but most times it takes a 4th to get the "glass" finish. Forgot to say that the first 2 coats are applied to the entire face of the mold whether it is a one piece or two piece. They soak in so it doesn't effect the closure of the 2 piece mold. Hope this helps. www.novalures.com
  4. That bait design looks Japanese to me. www.novalures.com
  5. nova


    All of my recipies are based on 4 oz. of plastic. This is the smallest amount of plastic you can use without having to use 1/2 a drop of color. This is what works for me. www.novalures.com
  6. It's rubbing alcohol. I use 95%. www.novalures.com
  7. Normal epoxy is what I have used for years. Thin it with alcohol and apply several coats. www.novalures.com
  8. nova

    Color Help

    Not to be argumentative; but what I see is LC stawberry with LC natural. www.novalures.com
  9. The one thing about resin for a 2 piece is that it may warp with the heat it absorbs from pouring the plastic into it. You are better off making the 2 piece from POP. I can't speak to water putty because I can't get it here; but I assume it will work. www.novalures.com
  10. I agree Shane. Try clear plastic with large copper glitter and you will come out with a nice light amber color. www.novalures.com
  11. If you value your customer ship by USPS only. It may take a few days longer to get the product to him but the post office will only charge him the GST tax plus a $5/package customs charge. UPS will charge crazy amounts(brokerage fees plus taxes on everything). I have; in the past; actually paid more to UPS than I had paid for the product in the package they delivered to me. I will not allow anyone to send things to me via UPS. www.novalures.com
  12. I never use wood to stir anything. I use metal or plastic. Actually, I've seen POP mixed using your hands on a TV program once. It's probably the best way but it's quite messy. (maybe with rubber gloves it would be easier on the hands). I'll be working on new designs soon and I'll give it a try. www.novalures.com
  13. The bubbles could be coming from the plaster itself or they could be coming from under the bait. If you are mixing the plaster to quickly (whipping) you are putting small air bubbles in the mix and as the plaster settles these bubbles will come together to make larger bubbles. Try mixing the plaster more slowly. When you glue the bait down make sure it is completly sealed with no air pockets under it. Some of the guys are using double-faced tape. I have not tried this but it sounds like it may be very good. www.novalures.com
  14. Question: What is the master made of? Is it wood and if so, did you seal it before you put it in the pop? www.novalures.com
  15. The price will come down a little; but it will never go back to the price it was when oil was at the same price some time ago. Also, the fuel surcharge for shipping will never come off. These comanys are no differant than governments; once they get used to that money coming in, they will not let it go no matter what. It all really doen't make sense to logically thinking folks when you hear of CEO's making nearly a million $/day and then 6 months later going to the government with their hands out. I guess what I'm saying is simply "get used to it"; it's not going to change very much. www.novalures.com
  16. nova

    Thanks Guys!

    I did something similar Cadman. I take my wife fishing as often as I can. She never really fished when she was younger but she found out she really likes it. She's also one of my best critics when it comes to colors and bait designs. Try and include your wife in what you're doing and even if she doesn't take you up on it, she'll know that you're thinking of her.(women like that) www.novalures.com
  17. I got mine from Hilts. www.novalures.com
  18. Thanks A-Mac. What you see there is 3 years worth of trial and error. www.novalures.com
  19. When working with wood the term "clear" simply means no knots in the wood. www.novalures.com
  20. Is that one of those new "bowl baits" I've been hearing so much about? lol I sure hope he doesn't try to sell that one. www.novalures.com
  21. I always bake mine. Never had a problem. Just don't set the temp too high. (150/200) Molds look good to me. www.novalures.com
  22. I do mine by feel/eye. I use cold water to mix the plaster( if you use warm water the reaction will start too soon). You don't want the plaster to be too liquid but you don't want it too stiff either(as you already found out). I don't use vasiline because I find it too thick. I use cooking oil. it soaks right into the plaster so you don't loose any detail. the plaster still separates very nicely. "Painting" the bait with pop as it sets in the first part of your mold will help with the bubbles; just don't put any oil on the bait itself. A lot of what we call bubble impressions are actually water drops formed in the plaster by too much release agent. We only see the resulting hole once the water is soaked into the plaster. (Remember, water and oil don't mix). Also, when you pour the pop into the mold, make sure you do it slowly from one corner and let the plaster flow over the rest of the mold. www.novalures.com
  23. It's good that your mind is thinking "outside of the box"; that's where some of the best ideas come from. The problem with this idea is that the baster will simply plug up, as the plastic will cool and form a plug right at the end. As the others said, just keep practicing. Try pouring the tail first and then lead the stream of plastic towards the body of the grub. Do this all in one motion. Don't start and stop the stream. Also, don't try to pour it too quickly. www.novalures.com
  24. Never thought of a teflon master; but that may be a good idea. The idea of the teflon tape was to cover the first part of a 2 piece mold so that the second part won't stick to the first part. www.novalures.com
  25. Kajan; I was thinking of something a lot thinner. More like the thickness of thread tape (teflon). That would allow it to comfrom to all the shapes of the mold without causing too much flashing when you pour the plastic. I think I know the stuff you are speaking about. Some of the guys up here use it on their trailer bunks so the boats will slide on and off easier. There is a down side to it though. You don't want to unhook your boat before you get it to the water because the boat will slide right off the bunks and onto the ground; which I've seen before and it's not pretty. Takes about 15 guys to put the boat back on the trailer,lol. www.novalures.com
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