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Everything posted by nova

  1. Thanks Phil. That came from 30 + years of fly fishing and lots of stuck ferrules. An oldtimer showed me that on the river bank one day in the 70's. Never forgot it. That's what this sport/hobby is all about; passing on the infromation. I'll never understand the folks who say "I know a secret you don't know".lol Glad to help. www.novalures.com
  2. Don't twist them; you'll break the rod. Here's how you do it. Take the rod and place it behind your knees and hold it with both hands(each hand on the outside of your knees). Bend your knees slightly and then gripping the rod tightly force your knees outward. Do not pull with your hands, they are only there to hold the rod steady. I know this sounds a little silly at first read, but give it a try. Works great. www.novalures.com
  3. Highlites give a sort of sheen to the baits. They are a lot of fun to use and you can make some very interesting effects with them. remember to use just a very little. (it's a powder) www.novalures.com
  4. This is a tough one. Looks like Lc green pumpkin(start with 2 drops in 4 oz) and 4 drops of LC chartreuse or flo yellow. There looks to be some sort of yellow in it. You will have to adjust the green from there. Don't forget, you'll get some color transfer from the glitter as well. www.novalures.com
  5. Took the words right out of my mouth Delw. lol www.novalures.com
  6. I've tried clay, wood and wax. The clay is alright. You can adjust your shapes easily by adding or taking away clay. The drawback to it is that once you make your master mold that's pretty much it for the clay master. I like the wood even though it takes a little more time to do than the clay; when you're done making the mold you still have a master. The wax I didn't like at all; I know some guys like it, but I didn't. Hope this helps. www.novalures.com
  7. I assume you cleaned up the edges of each cavity. If you didn't, this needs to be done. The other thing is that if you are dealing with full-round baits; the opening of the cavity will be small and you will need to open them a little. You must be careful when you do this so as not to mark up the mold or take too much off. I use an exacto-type knife and proceed slowly. Don't try to rush it; take your time. A way to reduce this step is to take your baits and flatten one side of them just a little. www.novalures.com
  8. Try 1/3 less. That should reduce the amount of heat generated. www.novalures.com
  9. Good point. I forgot to ask if he was stirring. www.novalures.com
  10. I think you used too much catalyst. The reaction produces heat and the more catalyst you use the hotter it will get and it will melt/soften your plastic masters. www.novalures.com
  11. Do you cook it without color? If so, you can tell if it's scorched by the color. It will turn a kind of golden amber color and you will notice an acrid smell. www.novalures.com
  12. Let the bubbles float to the surface and use a micro torch to get rid of them. Just make sure you do it with a quick pass because if you have glitter in the plastic and hold the flame in one spot the glitter will burn. This works really quickly; couple of seconds and it's done. You can also get rid of bubbles caused by over stirring like this as well. www.novalures.com
  13. Sounds like scorched plastic to me. www.novalures.com
  14. Even amber with the copper would be good. Delw's right; don't use so much powder, you're just waisting it. www.novalures.com
  15. nova

    Olive Oil

    Yup; it's a good way to turm worms into nails;lol. www.novalures.com
  16. I understand where you are. When I started (20 years ago)I was using a Coleman stove and a cast iron pan and that's because sites like this did not exsist. I had no one to talk to. I made every mistake in the book and even discovered a few,lol. All I'm saying is don't try to rush it. www.novalures.com
  17. Acetone and toluene are a lot more toxic than DNA. www.novalures.com
  18. No problem; glad to help. www.novalures.com
  19. Couple of questions. How long have you been pouring? If you are just starting you should focus more on getting simple pours down pat before you go on to more comlpicated stuff. I'm not trying to hold you back; but in order to do those kinds of pours, and others, you have to master the basics. It's impossible to start at the top of the ladder, not that I'm a pro,but we've all started at the bottom and that's the only way to learn properly. Don't take this post the wrong way. www.novalures.com
  20. Alcohol works the best and there is residual smell. I use 90%. www.novalures.com
  21. The split vein effect works better with a light and darker color like a smoke and yellow or blue and dark purple; etc. It's also easier to control in a skinnier mold like a worm. www.novalures.com
  22. What you have just discovered is called a split vein. Some guys have tried to do this and can't. It all has to do with the temp of the plastic and how soon after the first color is poured that you pour the second. It's about timing and concentration. Once you get it down you will see that it is a really neat effect. Don't try to "fix" it; just try to improve it. www.novalures.com
  23. Looks good. What's the little vertical line I see in all the baits? www.novalures.com
  24. Sometimes you will get air leaking out from under the bait if its not seated well. As pop dries it shrinks away from the bait. I pour my second layer not long after the first layer sets up and I don't use a heavy coating material. I simply use veg oil and let it soak in. I also don't coat the bait with the oil. Another tip would be to not use as much water in the second pour. Use just enough to allow detail transfer. ( the coating not only stops the pop from sticking together but it also repels water and that can cause voids.) www.novalures.com
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