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Everything posted by nova

  1. nova

    dull finish

    Problem is Longhorn the fishermen want the baits to be "pretty". I've always said that 3/4 of the look of the bait is for the fisherman; the fish don't give a darn for the most part. www.novalures.com
  2. I know what you mean One Sock. I buy those colos, and a couple more, in the big bottles. They seem to be used more than many other colors. www.novalures.com
  3. Let us know how it turns out. www.novalures.com
  4. nova


    At least that's better than " you'll have to fight the for his bed". www.novalures.com
  5. Kind of hard to tell with small pics. It looks like there is some amber in it and some of the color could be residual from the glitter. I would try two drops black (LC) and one drop amber (LC) in 4 oz plastic. www.novalures.com
  6. nova

    dull finish

    Let us know how you make out. www.novalures.com
  7. nova

    dull finish

    RTV molds will produce a dull finish after a while. Ther resin one should produce a somewhat shiny bait if the bait you used to make it was shiny. I make my molds from POP sealed with epoxy and have no trouble getting a shiny bait. Are you pouring the baits with salt? Salt will dull the finish by itself as well as dull the interior of the RTV. www.novalures.com
  8. nova

    dull finish

    What are you using for a mold? www.novalures.com
  9. nova


    Trust me; it will settle down especially if you're married;lol. www.novalures.com
  10. You got that right; there is no return to normal life after this.lol I counted my colors today just to see for myself and I have 36 colors. www.novalures.com
  11. That's a great way to keep "this thing of ours" going and growing for the future. Good job. www.novalures.com
  12. Give us a pic so we can help. www.novalures.com
  13. Unfortunately, they are better known for their low end product line; Silstar. That, for some of the marketplace, has caused Pinnacle to be painted with the same brush and caused folks to shy away from them. When I operated a tackle shop I sold quite a few Pinnacles and I know that some of them are still going 10 years later. For the money, there is nothing wrong with the product performance. www.novalures.com
  14. I would have added LC watermelon but he only asked for 5 Chris. lol I really don't think that 5 colors; even if you're just starting; is enough. Should really be at least 10. www.novalures.com
  15. You're probably going to get different answers to that question depending on what part of North America the answer comes from. black white green pumpkin pumpkinseed chartruese or florescent yellow www.novalures.com
  16. The first thing you have to do is cut the posts of flush to the back of the eye. I use super glue for my eyes; but then I'm dipping the baits in clear after. www.novalures.com
  17. Depends on what kind of shad you are looking for. Try dark smoke back over a clear bottom with silver holi flakes. www.novalures.com
  18. nova

    Fishing Quiz

    Isn't that Heidi Fliese (spelling) on the right? lol Is there really a fish there? Where is it? lol www.novalures.com
  19. nova


    I would love to see the lab tech's face when they test that one. www.novalures.com
  20. nova


    Only if you're smoking your baits. You're not doing that, are you? lol:eek: www.novalures.com
  21. The speed loader jig was designed for tubes. It's configured so that you don't have to untie the jig to get it into the tube; you just shove it throught the front of the tube. The problem is it makes a large hole in the front of the tube. An inside weight in the tube swimbaits will change how it swims. The bait will not have the wobble that it has with the belly weighted hooks because the center of gravity is changed. I'm not saying this is a bad thing; it all depends on what kind of action you are expecting to get. www.novalures.com
  22. Zoom baits are all injected. This means that there are no real flat sides. That's why you are getting pop running under the bait. Those types of baits should be done in a 2 sided mold and that requires no gluing. www.novalures.com
  23. As long as the warranty is still in effect, it's a good deal. The good part is if you have them for a couple of years and one breaks down; now you have spare parts for the other. www.novalures.com
  24. Mark, I agree with the origionality way. What you see on my site is a very small showing as to what I have designed. When I have an idea I have to do something about it or it totally dominates my mind.

    Bait exchange would be nice.

    Natural is a brown color that I use to make what I call camo colors. I get it from Lurecraft. If you look on my site at the sticks it's what I used to do the blue worm color.(that's the only senko color I copied and only because they don't make it in a stick, only grubs). It dominates the surface of the color but when you back light the bait it will show the secondary color. For instance I do one called brown gold. It's done with golden yellow instead of the purple and it has black glitter in it. It looks sort of like a pumpkinseed until you hold it up and look through it.

    I like working with highlites a lot. They allow you to sometimes be able to change a color completely. For instance I make a color that I designed for a guy in Ont. that looks sort of like a blue pearl but when you hold it up it turns almost a butter color. Then there is another that is pink that will turn neon green.

    Some of these colors I found by accident while doing what my wife calls the mad scientist routine; lol. Over the years I've ruined a lot of plastic; but I love designing colors.

    Keep checking my site in a while, The ST series is going to expand. I just finished my topwater irons as well as a mini frog, plus I've started doing cores for the series. I'm quite proud of the ST baits.

    Let me know when you want to trade.


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