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Everything posted by nova

  1. I like the site. I see that you are a finesse fisherman like me. Are those baits you're design? Here's a color for you I just put together the other day. 4oz plastic, 10 drops purple(LC), 10 drops natural(LC) and a touch of gold highlite. Give it a try I think you'll like it. I call it purple camo.


  2. From what I understand wheel weights are a mixture of lead, tin and antimony. I use wheel weights mixed with pure lead at about a 50/50 mix. This give me the strength that I want along with an easy to pour product; also, paint will stay on the lead better. I found that pure lead was too soft and dented quite easily and as you said wheel weights alone give you a "crumbly" result. www.novalures.com
  3. I've had both spinning and casting reels from Pinnacle. I like the reels; they never failed me. Not familiar with the one you mentioned but for $25 you surley can't go wrong, even if it only lasts one season. www.novalures.com
  4. I like the sign 152nd. That visious little frog is neat. The only thing I would change is the word "baits". Instead of purple I would make the color red. Seems to me that from a distance the purple color will make the word obscure. After all, you're wanting folks to notice. www.novalures.com
  5. Welcome aboard. If you have any questions, just ask. www.novalures.com
  6. Speaking of different sizes of baits; has anyone observed what happens to a senko after it has been in the water for a long period? I've seen some that swell up to almost double their size. Seems to me that if a fish eats something like that and it swells in their guts it may block them off. I don't know this for sure; I'm just making an observation. www.novalures.com
  7. Smokey, I was just joking about the stupid fish thing. You are right about throwing used worms; or anything else for that matter; into the water. There is enough junk in our waterways as it is. Whenever I go fishing I carry out everything I brought as well as I pick up any trash I find and take that out as well. When our club has a tournament we always clean up; not only our trash, but all the trash we find at the launch. In other words, we leave it cleaner than we found it. Also; our club has put garbage cans at most of the launches we use. We have found that most folks will use them if they are there to be used. www.novalures.com
  8. Maybe the "eco freaks" have shares in the company that makes gummy worms;lol. Good point about the knife; but there's still no accounting for one stupid fish. www.novalures.com
  9. The clear dip is simply plastic with no coloring in it. (the same plastic the baits are made from). www.novalures.com
  10. Bob; like Delw; do not make their living doing molds for pouring. The making of the molds; as I understand it; is simply a side line and something they enjoy doing. But when it comes to bread and butter earning, they both do major projects for various industries. To both Bob and Delw; I hope I hope I didn't steal your thunder. www.novalures.com
  11. These are the eyes I use on my products now.(softbaits) I really like the way the eyes look. There is a color called blue pearl. Don't be fooled by the name, it's a nice fish eye color and has a reflective quality to it. Also, the amber is a nice smallie color. The product is very good and; most importantly; Ed and Lisa are very nice to deal with. www.novalures.com
  12. If you want to find out where something like this comes from....just follow the money trail. It's unfortunate, but that is the way of the world. If you think that these big companys care for one second about nature you may be delusional. They may say they care and they can be made to care; but if left on their own, the only thing they care about is the bottom line. Just look around at the pollution that has been dumped into nature over the last 50 years. How many cities on the both coasts for years dumped their sewers straight into the oceans until they were made to stop? Don't get wrong here, I'm not picking on anyone in particular. I'm just stating my observations of almost 60 years. God, has it been that long? Looks different in print.
  13. Are you sure that's cork? That exposed part looks more like foam. www.novalures.com
  14. I seal mine with tremclad spray can paint with fine steelwool rubbing in between coats.(usually 3 coats) Comes out nice and glassy. Let the paint cure for a couple of days before you mold it. www.novalures.com
  15. I agree; but unfortunately those industries are controlled by super big money who control the political winds and it is highly unlikely that they will sit still for that kind of clean-up. They will defect the problem down to the levels of society that don't have the top-end control that they have. That's just a good example of the saying " s**t rolls downhill". I sure hope that the roll doesn't stop at our level; lol. www.novalures.com
  16. No need for me to say anything, the boys have you covered.lol www.novalures.com
  17. nova


    Just thought you should be warned as this is more addicting than any drug; lol. Welcome and don't be afraid to ask questions. www.novalures.com
  18. I'm pretty sure there is but I don't know who has some. www.novalures.com
  19. What I do is make the first half of the mold and let it set up so that it is quite firm but not dry. I then coat the mold with cooking oil using an artist's brush being careful not to get any on the bait itself, but making sure that the pop right up to the bait is coated. I then let it set for a few minutes due to the fact that the oil will soak into the pop. Some areas of the pop will soak up the oil more than others and I will re-coat those areas. Do not flood the oil and there should not be any pools of oil; it must all be absorbed into the pop. After it has set for a few more minutes I then pour the second layer of pop; and after this has set up and dried somewhat I remove it from the frame. Before it has dried I take a table knife and score the joint all the way around both halfs of the mold. Then I start carefully prying the 2 halfs apart. You must take you time here and not be too forceful because the pop is not completely dry. ( I have only ever broken one mold like this). This will give you a mold that is damp enough to make any repairs to (bubbles/defects) because you can actually reshape the pop a little with wet fingers. I then stick the mold into the oven at about 150 and let it dry. Once it dries I then begin my coatings of epoxy with oven curing in between. If I start a mold in the morning, I can be pouring baits by the afternoon. This works for me and it may not work for everyone. www.novalures.com
  20. The one problem I found with putting the bait in the pop from the top is that bubbles rise and if they come up underneath your bait you'll wind up with the same thing again. www.novalures.com
  21. It has happened to me. I finished pouring one cold day and when I opened the door to leave the shop; which is next to where I pour; the pyrex cup exploded as I was stepping out the door and sprayed glass and hot plastic right where I stand to pour. Glad I wasn't there; lol. Pouring is a lot of fun but you have to be aware of everything you do or it can get scarey in a hurry. www.novalures.com
  22. If you use pyrex outside you have to be careful of a "cooling" wind. It can explode your pyrex. www.novalures.com
  23. You can make your own by taking rubber core sinkers and removing the rubber. Then just pinch the sinker onto the hook after you insert the hook into the bait. www.novalures.com
  24. Same thought I had (scent). I've seen this before. Also white pearl will turn when it is repeatedly heated. www.novalures.com
  25. Sorry guys. It's that latenite two finger tying again; lol. www.novalures.com
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