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Everything posted by nova

  1. nova

    Member Numbers

    This isn't quite what I had in mind when I started this thread; but I do like the idea that it gives us a chance to quitely vent. It is almost a given that some threads do take on a life of their own and that can be good or bad. It just depends on the input. I do agree that an outright highjack is in bad taste. www.novalures.com
  2. My question is why are you mixing such a large amount of plastic/color at one time? www.novalures.com
  3. They look better than the first time I tried. Keep on doing them and you will get better. www.novalures.com
  4. nova

    Member Numbers

    Most of the longer-time members will answer any question they can and if they don't know the answer they either don't try to or they point you to a member who can. Now that being said; I'm sure that with all the different members here there are times, as with any group of folks, that some of the answers/comments posted could be written in such a way that makes it easy to misunderstand. After all, we aren't on camera or face to face, so body language and facial exspresions do not come into play. This has happened a number of times to many of us including yours truely. I can only speak for myself when I say that I have not refused to answer any question asked of me that I could answer. If I see a question posted to the general population of TU that I don't want to answer; I don't. But I always watch the post to see if it does get answered and if it doesn't I may then answer it. After all; no one person could take the time to answer all the questions asked. If the same question seems to get asked over and over and it ticks a member off; my suggestion is to not post a negative answer; just leave it alone. The main objective of TU; as I see it; is to share creative ideas with all the members in a free and open setting. If we, as senior members, won't do that than this is all for nothing and it won't last. Just my 2 cents. www.novalures.com
  5. Once I even took a 1/2" copper pipe coupling and flatened it out in a vise. I then cut it to shape and inserted that. Worked just fine. www.novalures.com
  6. nova

    Member Numbers

    I sure hope you're right Vodkaman. As I've said before, there are no stupid questions; only stupid answers. I would hope that anyone who has a question would ask it. We all started this addiction with limited knowledge and it's only by trial and error and the sharing of these that we all can learn. If I could say one thing to the members it would be; "don't let your hesitation to ask a question get in the way of your learning". www.novalures.com
  7. nova

    Member Numbers

    I see that we have 5764 members and at first I thought that's great; but as I looked further I see that only 1164 members are actually active on the site. Does this mean that there are 4600 lurkers out there sucking up all the work that 1164 of us are doing? www.novalures.com
  8. Cut a piece of aluminum into the shape that you want and make a slit in the bottom of the mold for it to fit into. Make sure that you have the slit marked in the proper position before you cut the mold. Also, make sure that the aluminum is well polished and free from burrs or scratches. Slip the alminum into the slit in the mold and pour your baits. www.novalures.com
  9. Welcome Mark from one Canuk to another. lol www.novalures.com
  10. A laminate is 2 different colors poured one on top of the other with a definate line of color separation. In other words the 2 colors do not blend together. www.novalures.com
  11. That's neat Vodkaman. It look's like a spider wearing snow shoes; lol. www.novalures.com
  12. Sorry I can't help you with the first 2 questions because I use neither. As far as the highlite goes it depends on the amount of plastic you are using and the effect you are after. All of my recipies are at the 4 oz. level; this makes it easier to multiply when you want a larger pour. If you are just looking for a hint of color and you are using a dark background color then start with 1/32 tsp or 1/16 tsp of highlite. It's always easy to add more if needed; but once it's in you can't take it out,lol. www.novalures.com
  13. I use old table knives. And don't forget; you are stirring plastic, not whipping cream, lol. In other words, the harder you stir the more bubbles you will create. www.novalures.com
  14. Merry Christmas to everyone at TU from Nova Scotia. The snow's almost gone and the grass is still green, lol. I'll bet not many in the lower 48 can believe that after watching the news. www.novalures.com
  15. You got it Swamp. Maybe 2 or 3 drops amber/ 4oz plastic. Start small and work your way up. Don't forget to write everything down so you can repeat the color. www.novalures.com
  16. nova


    Been thinking about doing the Canadian flag lately. I think I've got it figured out in my head but things can change when you go to hands on as we all know. If it works out I'll post a picture. www.novalures.com
  17. It's a simple fact that if you are right handed then that is the hand you hold the rod in and you crank with your left.(other way round if you are left handed). Your dominant hand will be much more sensitive and responsive than your other hand. All this means you will feel the bait better and be much more reactive to a pick up for hook setting. www.novalures.com
  18. The best way to clean the handles and not remove any cork is to use a large eraser. It takes a little time to do but it works great. www.novalures.com
  19. Messing around with re-melts is a pain in the butt. Basically all you will learn is that working with new product is much easier and a whole lot better. www.novalures.com
  20. You would have to cut the top half of the spru off to make the paddle. If you didn't the tail wouldn't wiggle. It's not really my idea. Either BPS or Cabela's had it out some years ago. I think they called it the popping worm. www.novalures.com
  21. Acually, if you leave the spru on the worm you can make a topwater popping worm. www.novalures.com
  22. Jake, it all depends on the master you are using and also on what you coat the mold with. www.novalures.com
  23. I'm going to assume some thing here. The molds you used are a 2 piece and you have to top off the pour before the plastic sets. As plastic heats it expands and as it cools it shrinks. www.novalures.com
  24. Man and I thought I had some weird ideas about baits.lol:eek: Goes to prove what I've always said; "nearly any bait will catch a fish". www.novalures.com
  25. nova

    TU magazine

    If you look at past history of magazines of a sporting nature you will find that the failure rate is very high. It costs a lot of $ to produce a high quality magazine( which is what you have to have in order to stand any chance at all of success). Also; you would need a circulation of a lot more that 4,000 copies every 3 months. Either that or the mags would have to sell for at least $20/issue. If a venture like that was attempted I fear that it could spell the end of TU as we know it, and that would be a shame. www.novalures.com
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