I think it is a really neat idea no matter who does it. I'm all for experimentation and thinking outside the box; as many of the folks here know.
There is one thing about all of this though that we all have to remember; and that is that Lucky Craft is in the business of selling as many baits to as many people that they can.
Many of the folks here just do their craft simply as a hobby and rarely, if ever, sell their products. Some of the baits I've seen in the gallery are truley works of art and if they were priced the amount should be quite high compared to any mass produced bait.
Years ago I tried glueing rabbit skin(with hair) onto a wooden plug to make a type of rat and that lead me to doing Buzz the Mouse.
I have the greatest respect for anyone in any endeavour, with a healthy imagination.
I don't think; or at least I would like to think, that no one here was personally attacking you. I found that when I first joined TU I had trouble with the posting because there is only the written word. There are no visable or audible emotions which are very big cues that we all use instintively.
Anyway; thanks Smokey for posting the pics. It is an interesting concept.