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Everything posted by nova

  1. Post a pic please. www.novalures.com
  2. I bet you could use the softner to extact the coffee scent to add to the plastic. I'm going to try it; I'll let you all know how it works out. www.novalures.com
  3. Anytime you want Iceman. The production mold is done. Just send me a PM with your color ideas. www.novalures.com
  4. Post a pic Thomas. www.novalures.com
  5. Good one Braveviper. www.novalures.com
  6. Using this jig I could put the scale pattern on 100 baits in an hour. You can make it any size to hold whatever sized baits you make. I didn't think that it would generate this much interest. Maybe I should be making them to sell. www.novalures.com
  7. All I use is a micro torch; a thin piece of metal and a pair of pliers. Heat the metal and pass it between the 2 pieces of plastic. It bonds instantly. www.novalures.com
  8. I tried to make the pic bigger but TU has restrictions on the size of pictures that can be uploaded. Maybe you can pull the pic off TU and zoom it up on your puter. If not send me an email and I'll send you the full pic. www.novalures.com
  9. nova

    New Goby Design

    Actually the back is basically green. It's called green smoke. The picture really doesn't show it well. But I'll make almost any color you want. The production mold should be ready in a couple of days. Send me a PM with the colors you want or go to my site and email it to me. Thanks for the comment. www.novalures.com
  10. nova

    New color

    Make sure it's LC motoroil. If you want to pay me back just pass on what you learn to someone else in the future. That's what this whole site is all about Pete, friends helping friends. www.novalures.com
  11. nova

    New color

    Bottom is clear with holi and/or silver glitter. (obvious) For the top I would try 3 drops LC motoroil to start and green highlite. It makes almost a green pearl look. www.novalures.com
  12. Here's is the jig that I built about 15 years ago to speed up my production of topwater baits. I haven't done any hardbaits for about 15 years now; I only do soft baits and one wire bait (Buzz The Mouse). I thought I would share this with you hardbaits guys. It worked really well for me as I used to produce about 100 baits per week. Hope it helps some of you guys out. www.novalures.com
  13. I'm starting to worry about you Randy; lol. Catfood; fish in the back pocket, shaving heads. I'm almost afraid to see what come next. www.novalures.com
  14. Funny you should say that Jim. My partner hits me with fish at least once every tourny. It's quite a shock when it happens because most times you don't see it coming; and then wack, you get hit with that cold wet fish. Really gets your attention;lol. www.novalures.com
  15. nova


    Very nicely done. Looks like you had fun doing it. Oh; you did pay royalities for the music; right, lol. Just kidding. www.novalures.com
  16. Thanks Willy. I haven't put it in the water. I'm just now making the production mold. It should have some movement but not like a curltail; more like a fish just holding in position. It's not really carved. I have a general idea of the shape when I start with clay or wood. Then once I get my hands on it and start to shape the proto it sort of takes on a life of it's own and what comes out; comes out. Sometimes it goes to file "13" and sometimes it looks pretty good. www.novalures.com
  17. I use BBs to make my swimming frog. I've also tried very fine colored glass beads to add weight but they settle very quickly. www.novalures.com
  18. Thanks guys. www.novalures.com
  19. nova

    New Goby Design

    Here's my design of a goby bait. The master was made from clay. These baits were poured from the master mold. The finished mold will have a much "glassier" finish. The color is baitfish. www.novalures.com
  20. nova

    New Goby Design

    Here's my design of a goby bait. The master was made from clay. These baits were poured from the master mold. The finished mold will have a much "glassier" finish. The color is baitfish. www.novalures.com
  21. As promised; here's pics of my goby design. It's 4" long. Master was made from clay. www.novalures.com
  22. I had a piece of skin from my hand when I burned it fall in the pot when I brushed off the plastic. I really wouldn't want to do that on a production level; lol. www.novalures.com
  23. Joel; I'll include one of those in the pack. It's on the way. Thanks. www.novalures.com
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