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Everything posted by nova

  1. Show me a picture. www.novalures.com
  2. Ours went up last month and I was told that the US was going up as well. It only follows that if the gas is $1.15/liter everything will go up in price and there seems to be no end in sight. www.novalures.com
  3. The main problem is that some anglers give the fish too much credit. They want the exact color/glitter or they won't even try it. I had a customer a few years ago come in to order 2 spinnerbaits. He wanted an all black shirt with 6 strands of red along the bottom of the skirt. He flat told me that it was to be only 6 strands of red. If there were 5 or 7 he would not buy it. I tried to explain to him that bass can't count but he would have none of it. I know that this is an extreme example; but it gives you an idea of just how set in ther ways some anglers are. www.novalures.com
  4. nova


    The amount depends on the effect you are trying to acheive. My normal is 1/8 tsp in 4 oz. of plastic. Sometimes I will use 1/4 tsp and sometimes I will use 1/16 tsp. www.novalures.com
  5. nova

    Blue Fleck

    The amount of salt depends on what you want the bait to do. The more salt the faster the sink rate. Everyone has their own preferences. I use between 35 to 40% by volumn. Some guys use less and some use more. Some will pour the stick with no salt and use it as a jerkbait. It all depends on what you want. Just experiment with; keep notes as you go; until you get to the point of what you are looking for. www.novalures.com
  6. Another Canuck; that's good. Welcome to the best site on the net. What do you make? www.novalures.com
  7. Ok. I'll go back to my origional idea. you should be able to shoot a second color on the back end of the bait and it should stick if the second color is hot enough. Don't let the first injection cool down too much and you should be alright. www.novalures.com
  8. What type of injection set up do you have? No I'm not sure what you have. I was talking of the hand injectors from Netcraft. www.novalures.com
  9. I assume that you are using those hand injectors we warn folks about. Cutting in half and re-inserting should work. You have to make sure that the second color is very hot so it will bond with the frst color. And that is where the danger of getting burned is. What I would do is make a 2 part POP mold and pour them that way. Safer and easier. www.novalures.com
  10. What's a slab knocker? Is it a tube or a solid bait? Do you pour baits or are you trying to piece a bait together? www.novalures.com
  11. nova

    New Swimbaits My Design

    Never say never. www.novalures.com
  12. nova

    New Swimbaits My Design

    Thanks guys; I appreciate it. www.novalures.com
  13. nova

    New Swimbaits My Design

    That one is really tricky Swamp. First you have to boil down a pine tree until you get the right consistancy and then you let it age for a week. There you go, another secret let out, lol. www.novalures.com
  14. nova

    Rainbow Trout

    I use Calhouns.
  15. I just had a thought. Why not coat the bottom and 4 sides with resin and fiberglass cloth. It sure would make it tough. www.novalures.com
  16. nova

    Rainbow Trout

    I'll give you guys the formula for this one seeing that it's not really a secret;lol. Top is dark watermelon with small and large black glitter. Gut is light red with violet highlite and the belly is clear with string holi jewels. www.novalures.com
  17. Three more members to go till we reach 4,000 population. Who's it going to be? I'm really glad and pleased that TU has grown to be; as far as I'm concerned; the number one resourse for tackle builders. Where else can you find so many folks with this much talent? Way to go Red and all the moderators. www.novalures.com
  18. nova

    Rainbow Trout

    Chris; here's your rainbow trout. Going to put all the swimbaits on my site as soon as the eyes come in from LC. www.novalures.com
  19. nova


    Some re-melts will go off like a volcano.(well not quite,lol) But it will foam up quite a bit. Try re-melting Berkley for an interesting smell. Yuck. Although I haven't re-melted anything for quite a few years. www.novalures.com
  20. nova

    New Swimbaits My Design

    Thanks Chris. I didn't make it with that in mind but I plan on doing one later. www.novalures.com
  21. nova

    New Swimbaits My Design

    Here are some new swimbaits along with the master that I carved. Each bait is 3 colors and the middle color is a core not a vein. www.novalures.com
  22. nova

    New Swimbaits My Design

    Here are some new swimbaits along with the master that I carved. Each bait is 3 colors and the middle color is a core not a vein. www.novalures.com
  23. nova

    New Swimbaits My Design

    Here are some new swimbaits along with the master that I carved. Each bait is 3 colors and the middle color is a core not a vein. www.novalures.com
  24. Lordy Mike; you fishing for tuna? lol www.novalures.com
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