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Everything posted by nova

  1. nova

    2 tone

    lol. I had to put in an "American" perspective.
  2. Ok. Gotcha. Does this council pertain to all to TU or just to the hardbait guys? www.novalures.com
  3. I did that once while my wife was in the tub. I don't do that any more;lol. My ears still hurt. www.novalures.com
  4. nova

    2 tone

    No pots with chambers. As far as burners, I use a 2 burner but I rarely turn both on at the same time. I use the micro for the main part of the pour and the hotplate for the smaller parts of the pour. It takes practice especially when pour 3 or 4 colors at one time. What it comes down to is having everything within the reach of one step from your pouring spot. My wife says it looks like your dancing. Your movements have to be fluid and you have to get into a rythum. You also have to keep your mind on what you're doing. You can't be thinking about baseball while you do this. If you do you will screw it up or worse you'll burn the heck out of yourself. It's not going to happen overnight, so start with what you are trying to do (claws) and then work your way up from there. ( 2 color worms; 3 color worms;4 color flukes and so on) Show us some pics as you go and don't be shy. We need to see mistakes in order to help. www.novalures.com
  5. Longball asked and I asked and we still haven't gotten an answer. WHAT IS THE HIGH COUNCIL? www.novalures.com
  6. I must have been in a coma for a while. What the heck is the "high council"? www.novalures.com
  7. Thanks Patrick; you just saved me a lot of digging. Good folks to deal with. www.novalures.com
  8. nova

    2 tone

    Ok. You pour the body first because the plastic will stay hotter longer in the mold as it is thicker. Then you quickly pour the claws right after you pour the body. Do 1 bait at a time; then move on to the next one. The color you use for the claws has to be hot; so I use my hotplate and a pouring pan. That way the plastic stays at a fairly constent temp. The idea is to have the 2 colors melt together at the point of contact. If the 2nd color is too cold the claws will fall off. Give it a try and let us know how you make out. www.novalures.com
  9. The thing you have to understand is that some of us are a bit "gun shy". There have been lurkers on here that were up to no good. So' when we see a post like that some members will have a "knee jerk" reaction to it. That doesn't make it right but it's not that often that we get an honest one. Good luck with your endeavour. If I can help; just ask. www.novalures.com
  10. nova

    Foil Walleye

    Are you kidding me? Amazing; good work. Does the dorsel fin cut down on the wiggle? www.novalures.com
  11. Miki; I looked around but I couldn't find any order books from those folks. I must have turffed them out. I'll check back through my files when I get a chance to find an old invoice. www.novalures.com
  12. nova

    2 tone

    2 piece or 1 piece mold? www.novalures.com
  13. nova

    2 tone

    What kind of bait are you pouring? www.novalures.com
  14. What got me on this deal was that he says he owns a company and wants to produce a bait that he has to have someone else to make for him? Just didn't make a lot of sense to me. Something else going on here I fear. www.novalures.com
  15. You bugger; I'm still looking at hard water,lol Nice fish. www.novalures.com
  16. I know where Curly and Larry are but sorry, no Mo. www.novalures.com
  17. When I had my tackle shop in the 90's I used to buy from them. Action is a division of another company(can't remember the name just now). I may have it in the shop; I'll check tomorrow. Most of their business was with the Orient. www.novalures.com
  18. If the baits are being sold by different companys under their own names; then the bait is a generic. There's a company in Birmingham, AL called Action Plastics that produces baits like that. I don't know if they are making this particular item. www.novalures.com
  19. Great site Phil. I'm sure that most of us have some old lures kicking around. Why don't we post some pics of them for all to see? I've got a couple; I'll dig them out in the next couple of days and post some pics. Should be interesting to see and you never know; someone might have one that's worth more than they think. www.novalures.com
  20. I like it Phil; good one. www.novalures.com
  21. Post a picture. www.novalures.com
  22. Don't know why they won't sell Chris. Very nice work. www.novalures.com
  23. nova

    Hello from Canada

    Man; Canucks are taking over eh. lol www.novalures.com
  24. If you are using a 1 piece mold you could make some sort of a rig that would suspend a couple of small alligator clips over the mold. One to grab the eye and the other to grab the point of the hook to hold it in position while you pour. www.novalures.com
  25. Haven't tried that one Joe; thought about it though. You would have to seal the lead buy coating it with something that won't react to the plastic. If you don't do that the lead will go all funky. You will also have to have some way of supporting the jighead while you pour. Just a few quick thoughts. Good luck and let us know how you make out. www.novalures.com
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