No pots with chambers.
As far as burners, I use a 2 burner but I rarely turn both on at the same time. I use the micro for the main part of the pour and the hotplate for the smaller parts of the pour.
It takes practice especially when pour 3 or 4 colors at one time. What it comes down to is having everything within the reach of one step from your pouring spot. My wife says it looks like your dancing. Your movements have to be fluid and you have to get into a rythum. You also have to keep your mind on what you're doing. You can't be thinking about baseball while you do this. If you do you will screw it up or worse you'll burn the heck out of yourself.
It's not going to happen overnight, so start with what you are trying to do (claws) and then work your way up from there. ( 2 color worms; 3 color worms;4 color flukes and so on)
Show us some pics as you go and don't be shy. We need to see mistakes in order to help.