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  • Birthday 01/22/1957

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  1. As mentioned above, use a piece of wire bent at 90 degrees, so that you keep your hands out of the way. I put my Lee pot on a cheap cookie sheet, so that any drippings are caught. You can get them at a Dollar store for a bit more than $1. I keep it on the sheet when pouring, as well. Pete
  2. Scrounger jig heads are similar. However, the lip is plastic. To be honest, I have tried tying hair and feathers on a Scrounger head and the action wasn’t that great. pete
  3. Where are Victory Hooks made? Thanks, Pete
  4. Thanks, Mark! I was thinking that they might, but I have experimented with scrounger heads and I was not impressed. They don’t seem to give the hair/feathers the kind of action that I hoped they would. Pete
  5. I see that Tremor jigs seem to be getting somewhat popular. I was wondering whether you guys have tried to hair jigs with the Tremor jig head. I know that they were designed for plastics, but I thought they might be good hair jigs. I intend to tie some to see how they work, but it will be a while before I get around to that. Thanks, Pete
  6. Looks like the Peak vise that I have. I have had mine for years, and I REALLY like it! Pete
  7. I did a bit of an experiment - I tried using a lighter weight aluminum and that worked fine!!! The lighter aluminum foil was MUCH easier to remove - even after it has paint on it and the paint is cured. THANKS Cadman and Jigmen for the input! Pete
  8. Cadman, I have attached a swivel to one of the rings, soI can’t remove the swivel. When I dip it in my fluid bed the paint will cover the swivel, unless the swivel is protected. Some of the earball lures are big (22 oz or larger), but I also have smaller earballs (1/5 oz). I just want to avoid clogging the swivel with paint. Thanks, Pete
  9. I am in the process of trying to paint earball lures. I have attached a swivel to one of the rings and I want to avoid getting it messed up with paint. I have tried two methods- 1- w,rapping the swivel with high temperature tape.- the type of tape used on furnaces. However, the tape leaves a sticky residue. I am going to try a couple of ideas to clean off the residue. I will keep you guys posted. 2- I have also wrapped the swivel wi.th aluminum foil. I also tried this previously, but I used heavy duty foil and it was a pain in the but to add AND to remove (the paint kind of made it a pain. Anyone else have any ideas? i did a little experiment today and I will keep you guys posted. Thanks, Pete
  10. Thanks for the input! I finally found some reviews on the Du-Bro Pro - there were a couple on Amazon - and they were not good. For now at least, I will stick with the Hagen's bender that I have. Heck, I have been so tied up with other stuff (work), that I really haven't had time in a while to do anything with tackle making! However, this was in the back of my mind. Pete
  11. Thanks Smalljaw. Actually, there is a deluxe model - even pricier at $420 - that will do up to .050 wire. That actually leads me to another question - will it do .051 wire? I have been thinking about this for a while, but work keeps getting in the way:) I am thinking about using this to make inserts for large jigs. Pete
  12. I have a Hagen’s wire bender, but the Du-Bro EZ Twist Pro looks like it MIGHT be an improvement over the Hagen’s. Has anyone used the Du-Bro EZ Twist Pro in either the basic model or the deluxe version? I have been thinking about getting it, butt I don’t see any reviews, nor have I seen it mentioned on tackle making sites. Thanks, Pete
  13. I have the Hagen's tool and it is pretty good on .041 wire, but with the .051 wire it is a bit of a pain. Does anyone have any experience with the DuBro tool? Thanks, Pete
  14. Thanks! I will let you know how it goes. I am not worried about having them shiny, I just want to get a good paint job on them. I was concerned that with the oxidation, the powder might not leave a good coat. Pete
  15. Thanks! I am going to try the vinegar treatment. I will keep you posted. pete
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