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Everything posted by AlbyDogGone

  1. Looks like you will get the hang of it just fine, nice looking baits. You will probly feel like ten times better when you catch a fish on one of your own. I am actually going to try some of mine for the first time tomorrow. Cant wait!! Nice job on the initial pours... Alby
  2. Yeah I think that all these are good points, especially when you think about the time and energy put into them. Its also true that the bait is worth whatever you can get for them and if they work that well then the fisherman will pay, just like anything else. Thanks for all the input from everyone. To each his own, if someone wants to pay the money and believes in what he's throwin, then that is what counts!!
  3. I just poured some grubs last night just to see how it works, I really like the results. I took your advice and only used a tiny bit, but I like the effect. I used a gold hi lite, other colors probly more suitable but they looked good for first try. Thanks for the advice Tight lines Alby
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to ask a quick question. I look around often on the net at plastic baits, swimbaits, worms, etc., and one thing I have noticed is how high priced certain brands of swimbaits are. Most of them are the heavy larger ones and mostly used in CA, where I am from, and I cant understand why some are fairly priced and some are outrageous?? Most brands of swimbaits that you put on a leadhead are around 3 or 4 dollars for like 3 or 4 in a pack. But some of them that I have seen are arguably better looking but cost 5 times as much for just one?!? Some are even like $20 bucks for just one bait ?!?!? These are not Marlin lures either. I was just curious why a 7" Storm swimbait is like 2 bucks for one of them and some of the other brands are soo high?? Just curious as to other peoples opinions to see how other people feel about this subject. Thanks Alby
  5. Thanks for the tips, I'll have to give it a try Alby
  6. Thanks for the tips, I really like those greens you posted Markell. Would you mind posting the colors and mix ratios when you get a chance? I'd appreciate it. I also agree that some color variation and speckling look a bit more natural than a solid color. Thanks for the tips guys. Alby
  7. Thanks for the tips, I really like those greens you posted Markell. Would you mind posting the colors and mix ratios when you get a chance? I'd appreciate it. I also agree that some color variation and speckling look a bit more natural than a solid color. Thanks for the tips guys. Alby
  8. Hey guys, I am usually not in this forum, but I am thinking of pouring some jig heads and was wondering about the powder paint. It seems simple enough based on the tutorials and places to purchase the paint. My question is where you can get a "dark green" or more natural green color. Most of the places that I have looked at that were suggested do not have this color, only a bright green or somehting like that. Also, if no place sells this, is it possible to mix powder paint to create a different color??(i.e. "yellow and blue make green??") Any help would be appreciated. Also, when you order a jig mold, where is the easiest and cheapest place to get the lead for melting?? Thanks again... Alby
  9. OK I just got in some hi lite powder coloring and I was just wondering how it works. I only ordered it to experiment and mostly out of curiosity. So how do these colors work? What sort of ratio do you mix and what type of "effect" do these colors produce? No directions whatso ever came with it. Any help is always appreciated... Thanks Alby
  10. Thanks for the advice Alby
  11. Hey guys, I was just messin around on the net and I found a couple of interesting links, the first one is to a site that has 1.1 pounds of RTV Silicone for $19 bucks, which I think if I am not mistaken is a good deal. The second link is to a site that shows how to make a 2 piece mold from RTV, it is for something else but I am sure could work for lure making. Hope this helps and if some else already posted it, well too bad, here they are again: http://www.tapplastics.com/shop/product.php?pid=61& http://www.ray-vin.com/casting/rtvmold/rtvmold.shtml let me know if anyone knows where to get it cheaper than this. Alby
  12. Mark So when you glued the masters on the bottom, are saying there were still air bubbles or that it worked better glueing them on the bottom? Alby
  13. AlbyDogGone


    Just wondering if you guys push the Masters in the RTV at the top or do you glue the masters to the bottom like with resin? Thanks Alby
  14. Yeah this would be a good tutorial to add to the soft plastics section, maybe someone could post up a basic one, and then everyone can add any additional tricks and information and then one of the site admin's could post the final tutorial inder the plastics section. Just an idea. It would help I think though, to have different tutorials for making different types of molds out of different materials, especially from some of the more experienced pourers. The hard bait section is rollin, we need to catch up .. Alby
  15. Yeah this would be a good tutorial to add to the soft plastics section, maybe someone could post up a basic one, and then everyone can add any additional tricks and information and then one of the site admin's could post the final tutorial inder the plastics section. Just an idea. It would help I think though, to have different tutorials for making different types of molds out of different materials, especially from some of the more experienced pourers. The hard bait section is rollin, we need to catch up .. Alby
  16. Maybe check out the Cookbook sticky at the top of the page, I think I remember seeing a couple recipes for motor oil or versions of it. This might work if you aren't getting the color you are looking for from the Lurecraft. Alby
  17. Thanks for the tips guys, I'll give it a shot and let you know how it comes out Alby
  18. Try sending Del a Private Message in case he doesnt catch it posted up here. Alby
  19. Hey guys, I was going to get some RTV and I was wondering if it works pretty easliy with a clay master. What sort of mold release works the best? This is just for a one piece mold, with the flat side clued to the bottom and..you know the drill .Is this easier than resin? Any input is appreciated Thanks Alby
  20. Thanks for your responses guys, I kinda figured that they poured better if they were sharper and smaller. I think I will order some this week. Oh yeah, and I think it will help having the smaller ones because I have a double burner but I want to try 3 color pours and I dont want to have to buy another burner, so I fit more than 1 of the smaller pouring pans on a single burner, that should help too. Anyways, just rambling, thanks again for the feedback. Alby
  21. Yeah I was referring to the smaller metal pots, not the Lee pots. Sorry i didnt make that clearer, I just pour for myself and I was wondering about the smaller pans...if they were better than Barlow's bigger pouring pans. Thanks Alby
  22. Anybody have any preferences to what size pots you pour from? I have the bigger ones from Barlows, but I saw that Lurecraft has the small ones and they look a bit easier to handle. Anyone use the ones from Luercraft?? Thanks Alby
  23. Can he make one custom for you or do you have to get the ones already made? : Alby
  24. I too would like to know where you ge this stuff, it sounds good Alby
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