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Everything posted by nerdy

  1. its easy. buy some plaster and aluminum baking sheets. superglue the prototype to the baking sheet and pour the plaster over the lure. when dry, bend open the sheet and extract the mold, you might have to soften some of the edges. this part is optional... after the mold is completely dry, after a couple of days, seal the mold. i use modpodge and just brush it in. the sealant gives the baits a nice shiny look.
  2. do you mean chartreuse will bleed onto other colors, or that other colors will bleed onto chartreuse?
  3. are there any certain colors that will bleed more than others? or does the bleeding only happen from a bright color to a white?
  4. im not sure if this is what youre looking for, but try this. http://www.tackleunderground.com/tutorials/index.php?c=crankweights
  5. im not sure, but pour a first plastic when its dry and see how it turns out. if you want it glossy and it turns out matte, seal.
  6. theres a big market for those out here in socal.
  7. those are awesome. are they more of a collection piece? id be scared to accidently smack it against a rock or something while casting.
  8. sounds like the clarus or compre from shimano could do the trick.
  9. i like the neutrality of the colors. very realistic.
  10. that spider dealy is CREE-py.
  11. im in the market for some new plastic coloring. my question, who makes the best coloring? ill be buying probably chartreuse, blue, white, green, and some pearl powders.
  12. stir it right before you pour so that it is thoruoughly mixed. you could also put the glitter in the plastic right before you pour. or put some glitter in the mold... it gives my swimbaits a nice belly shine.
  13. whats the simplest way to clean an aluminum poring pot?
  14. where can i get the epoxy? i dont want to get jugs or anything. does regular epoxy work?
  15. is this stuff one time for plaster molds or is it reapplied anfter so many pours? do you just brush it in?
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