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Everything posted by TBait

  1. TBait

    Baits yellowing

    What about my white truck that I just bought.....If that sucker yellows... were gonna have a problem.....It will remind me of Devcon....ouch!
  2. TBait


    .062 thousandths....for most bass baits.....1/16...
  3. TBait

    Digital scales

    Just curious... are you building balsa or foamies? How do you take into account different density of balsa or account for how many coats of Devcon or Etex the lure may require? Balsa density and quality varies greatly in each sheet. I have found Devcon to be much heavier than Etex and will dramatically change the action as well as the weight of a crankbait. Causing what was once a barely floater...to becoming a sinker. This is part of the reason I went to tuning tabs... I agree you must be as precise as possible with your components but...have found it difficult to predict the weight of the finished bait. With a tuning tab...you just file off the lead until you get the bait to position itself where it needs to be. Of course while utilizing a tuning tab, you need to offset the tab with internal weights in order to balance the lure. Then there is another problem, sanding Balsa... I have not been able to sand 2 baits indentically. I can get them close.... but this comes from hand sanding. How do you insure you are sanding the same amount of wood away. which creates bouyancy....? It is good to be accurate...on your components, but there are other variables that cant be dealt with until the final tank testing of the baits. At that point, if you have a sinker....it will always be a sinker.
  4. The picture is awful. Will repost. Pixels and black back ground... The clear coat is actually very smooth but the pic doesnt reveal it.
  5. If wood pour some lead and place into a hole drilled into the throat of the bait. If plastic drill a hole and insert shot or bbs...not sure what the bait looks like but your problem is ballast.
  6. Last night I bought a pack of size 3 snaps. I tied 12 lb test mono to each end approximately 3 ft on each end. I then wrapped each end around each of my hands and began pulling....and pulling...eventually the 12 lb mono broke and there was absolutely no flex to the snap. Someone used to make split ring type deal that was a quick release, by pinching it. It was different in design....I just cant remember who or what it was called.
  7. Need opinions....... I have always tied loop knots (KING SLING) on my crankbaits. I felt this gave the bait a better action. Are snaps any better than split rings? Are splits stronger than snaps? Do any of the above result in a better action to the bait? How do you prevent line from sliding in between the splits in a split ring? The very ends of a splitrings are sharp, you risk line damage if it comes into contact or slides in between. Lets hear the view points.....
  8. Skeeter... this is new to me as well. I cut the other 45 lips out of the same sheet of lexan that I have been using for sometime. Nothing....they are now glued in place and all seem to be fine. I dont get it either....that is why I thought I would ask.....hopefully this is just a fluke. I have never seen anything crack like this either. These are long drawn out cracks with huge feathering run offs, that occured. Almost looks like a crystalization process or something.....
  9. I have already soaked a piece of lexan in acetone.....it doesnt do anything but melt it. I have not soaked a piece in the alcohol, I will try this. I will also try soaking a piece in alcohol and acetone that has the 3M adhesive on it.... Perhaps there is some type of reaction...
  10. With out a doubt it is GE LEXAN...have used this same sheet for the last 2 years...
  11. I bought the alcohol at home depot gold and blue can....the foil was glued with 3m 77 spray adhesive and I thought rubbing type alcohols were different than in the fact that they left a residue. Tightbond 3M77 spray adhesive Alcohol Acteone nothing was done to stress the bills..... these were not yet glued in...
  12. I recently cut out 50 bills. I then prefitted them into the bodies. At this point the only thing that could have made contact with the bills was some wood glue(tightbond). I then proceeded to foil and wipe the foil with denatured alcohol. It is possible the denatured alcohol came into contact with the bills. My problem..... 5 of the bills overnight developed feather like cracks that ran across the entire bill. The bills were ruined. Could this have been a chemical reaction or something? I have wiped lexan with denatured alcohol and even touched it with acetone before. I have never had this happen. Acetone tends to melt the Lexan but it doesnt crack it. Denatured alcohol... I have never had a problem using this before. Whipped out 5 new bills however I dont want to have this happen again... Anyone ever have anything like this happen??? GE Lexan .060 inch...
  13. I have had an Iwata Eclipse CS Gravity feed for a month and havent used it. Last night I broke it out.....all I can say is what a difference. It is like using a precision instrument. The thing atomizes the paint mixture 2-3 as good as the Paasche Vls. I didnt even get a clog.... I was using Auto Air for 2 hours straight and didnt even have to pick at the needle. The air compressor ran less and I used alot less paint, believe it or not. These are worth extra money that you have to pay....night and day difference in the 2 units..Wow! Oh yea, I started at 40 psi and soon discovered that I could take the thing way lower...all the way down to 25 psi and still had great atomization...
  14. Does anyone on this forum make one of these? Large roadrunner style bait for bass, using a fluke as a trailer.
  15. My point was that if the conditions exist where a bass can barely see the bait...why bother...however I would disagree in clearer water and slow moving baits or paused baits. Of course then again....you have the lateral line thingy...which should be left for another discussion as well. But it all does tie together in your discussion of eyes and whether or not they are necessary. Can a Bass see? Or are their predatory skills all based on reaction to sound and use of lateral lines? Color choices definately make a difference......especially on pressured fish.This tells us they use sight as an influence... No doubt about it. So why couldnt something as simple as eyes make a difference?
  16. Water Clarity! I dont believe anyone has mentioned this as of yet. When the water is muddy I dont believe it would matter. Get the Chartreuse out.... However slightly stained to clear and it may make a difference. Cold water jerk baiting with pauses of almost a minute, might give a fish a chance to look things over. As far as worms,I have never seen a worm with eyes anyway.... However I think there may be something to it for cranks and jerkbaits in clearer water. Burning a rattle trap.... I dont know that a fish would be able to make the spot or eyes out at that speed anyway. It is a confidence thing..but the shad definately have eyes...so why not try to match the hatch.
  17. TBait

    Janns lips

    stainless split rings dont return to their original shape as easily. Once opened they or should I say opened too far....they will not lay flat or close together...leaving a gap. not good...
  18. on the following....in the forums. Plasti dip plastic dip heat shrink tubing Carolina Chip and Hughesy mentioned these quite some time ago.
  19. Bandsaw for lexan lips scrollsaw for balsa... gotta have both...well thats my opinion.....anyway.
  20. 1/16th inch.063(.060) is fine for bass lures....if you are building musky you may want to go a little thicker....see riverman for details not sure. He builds alot of musky baits (gliders)...
  21. They say that their paints dont need thinning. That is definately something that interests me. I also like there colors selections...look past the color chart... there are flip flop colors here guys. What is retarder/cleaner? Gloss flateners...could be cool.... Boatnik..in your opinion do these paints spray better through the airbrush than regular createx? That is what they advertise... I am ready to order ... what are their recomendations for cleaning dried paint off the tip... you had mentioned this before?? definately like these colors...
  22. are these the same paints you are referring to? http://www.smithpaints.com/products/wildlifeairbrush/chart.asp
  23. Price comparison Cincinnati,OH 4x8 sheet Lexan .060 inch. $65.00 +tax quite a few bills in that sheet..........1000+
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