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About Mesabooger

  • Birthday 01/26/1976

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  1. I don't know what model xlt plus you have but he's got schematics for several. And they have the spool assembly for an 85 it's about 38 bucks...expensive. http://www.mikesreelrepair.com/schematics/albums/ambassadeur/Ambassadeur_XLT_PLUS_85_0.pdf http://www.mikesreelrepair.com/advanced_search_result.php?search_in_description=1&keywords=975378&sort=5a
  2. You might want to give Mikes Reel Repair a shot, just do a search. He's got the most complete reel and trolling motor schematic database I've ever seen.
  3. I've been looking for them for a while myself. If you go here http://www.gamakatsu.com/gama0708.pdf to pg 23 of the catalog you'll see they come in bronze and red. I've got some of the VMC's but they're just not as sharp and forget buying the luckycraft hooks...sky high. Gamakatsu is also making this in a #3 size too. Here's a better
  4. I know Gammy is coming out with these (#5 round bend treble hooks), anybody seem them or know where I can score some? TIA
  5. I've thought of doing this myself, but what material would you start with to make a wire treble. What kind of wire and how would you temper it? BTW Bassomatic, have you caught anything on those Misfits lures...haha
  6. Mesabooger

    A few new colors

    That is a sweet looking crank. Great job on the color.
  7. Thanks DP, I will keep that in mind. I appreciate your genorosity.
  8. Thanks fellas, I sent him an email yesterday... I'll PM him I know some people dont check email often. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks Todd, but Netcrafts are the thick ones also. I need the thin SS ones....anybody?
  10. Hey sorry for posting on this topic again but my searches have been fruitless. I'm looking for some real chatterbait blades, you know the thin ones made of stainless. If anybody could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. I need about a hundred for myself, not making any to sell. TIA
  11. I knew somebody on here would have the answer. Thanks
  12. I bought one of those new DO-IT poison tail molds and my jigs keep sticking to the mold. They stick so badly that I have to pull hard and it ends up bending the jig. Is there something I could spray on the mold to make it easier to get the jig out? Thanks
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