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Everything posted by Terrydabassman

  1. I would love to have a few size 6 rippin raps in this custom color. Any idea who the painter might be or where to purchase? Thanks, Terry
  2. Anyone know what kind of wood Creekchub Plunkers and Darters were made from? Thanks, Terry
  3. WOW, posted in 2008? Been years then...none of those links work.
  4. It's been a while since I crafted some bass lures due to health issues. I would like to ask if anyone makes floating jig heads from foam you boil in water? (from what I understand, you use a jig head mold, only you use these foam particles instead of lead, then put the mold in boiling water for a while.) I would love to get into this but do not know the name of the foam or where to get it. Help?? Thanks, Terry terry12clark@gmail.com
  5. Just getting into this and have the same problem! So which wire form is the smallest? HS-34 or HS-100 ? Thanks in advance.
  6. Any one here make these?? They are getting harder and harder to find on online. Please shoot me an email? terry12clark@gmail.com OR the recipe. I no longer make soft plastics, but I may have to start. ;-)
  7. Hello all, it's been a few years since I've been to the site. Has a great new look! I'm in the process of making a prototype invention of mine and forget what that stuf I used to make the rubber-like mold halves. I did a search, but came up empty. For all my old friends on TU, I've been sick for a few years and I did get my heart transplant June 7th. I'm doing very well, getting stronger, more stamina and wind. Thanks for all your prayers!! I'm Terry Clark and I approve this message. ;-)
  8. Read the older posts and went to his web site and didn't see anything. Any news on The New Dick Nite Topcoat??
  9. If your top coat is D2T, just let it turn for 30 minutes and it'll set up just fine.
  10. Anyone have a photo of the Dartin' R lure...or own one?
  11. Merry Christmas everyone, Got this today and bout fell off me chair laughing. "Caution", do not listen to this with liquids in your mouth. Click Here
  12. Oh, sorry, I could a swore I read swivel hook hangers. Oldtimers thingy....lol
  13. Go to Stripers online..all the info you could ever want on those hangers. Lure Building - SurfTalk
  14. Considering Devcon is right around $532 a gallon, $200 a gallon for a sprayable top coat is actually a very good deal.
  15. When did this start? Man I always seem to be in the dark.
  16. Then too, just because they say they're copyrighted doesn't mean they are. If they are, then he had to buy the rights from God. Anyone can take photo's of fish, photoshop and size them for photo finishing lures guys.
  17. As Tony the tiger would say, "Frosted Baits are GREAT."
  18. Try google and yahoo....then there's ebay too.
  19. Anyone here making 4"-6" grub trailers, single or double curly tail? Interested in pearl white and chartreuse to go on the back of 3/4 to 1oz roadrunners and bucktail jigs. Thanks Terry
  20. Baits are all xx hard balsa.
  21. I place mine in the center of the bait right behind and above the ballast....I don't know where others place theirs.
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