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Everything posted by Terrydabassman

  1. Very nice color!!! I can see why you had success with it...great job!!
  2. LaPala, From your picture, just white out under the lateral line and a little around the gill area. Here is an example using your photo. Hope you don't mind. Now on your foil you can make a scale design on it "before" you add it to the lure. Then just add your photo copy/decal and see how it comes out. Save these pictures to use as an example and or your lures/lure if it's the way you wanted it. Hope this helps ya. Shoot me an email any time
  3. Coley, that's an awesome looking lure!!! I'll bet that took some time to get it so symmetrical.
  4. Printers do not print "white". So, in your photo shop add white where you want the foil to show through. Like just the bottom half of the body and a little on the head. That part of the decal film should come out clear. I don't know if they make a printer that can print matalics, if they do it's probably expensive. Make sure you have a backup copy of the photo you're going to use in case it messes up. Hope this helps ya out. I've recently made a few contacts in Malaysia, great to meet ya!!
  5. Now that lure sure looks professional, like a store bought. I guess unique is a good word...I like it!!!! Should catch ya some big-uns.
  6. You're right, it is like a devils horse. What I meant was it looks like you could form it this way then make a few cuts on the ban saw for the snout. I think it's an awesome looking lure, love those oldies but goodies.
  7. Those don't look like they'd be too hard to make or paint. I made this one for a friend going to Canada for big Northern Pike. Nine inches long.
  8. Sure looks good to me!! I like em.
  9. http://www.staminainc.com I deal with em all the time, fast and dependable. Hope this helps you.
  10. I'll second that CUDOS to Tim and Tim more than inspired me. Tim, you have a special gift and a unique style and flare for colors and color combinations. I've been an artist most my life but not lure painting till almost a year ago. I think I learn something every time I paint a lure or try something new. Your paint jobs have subtle changes from color to color...I love that. Your scale patterns don't scream at ya, but they're very subtle...like a real bait fish. Ya couldn't torture me to say anything negative about Tim Hughes!! Guess I was wrong...we now have a 5th
  11. Well, that means there is a fourth then...wow, ain't we lucky? I was talking about another source here Chip. I'd only cook that stuff in a shed 100 yrds from the house
  12. Some are just unwilling to share their secrets. Example: Is there something better than Etex and Devcon to finish our baits? You bet there is...will the source of knowledge tell us? NO!! Why?...Fear of competition? I don't know, but I do know there are a K-Zillion fisherman out there in this world, and NO one person could possibly service them all.
  13. Go to ANY fabric store and ask for "Touil" This netting comes in many sizes and for a buck or two you'll have enough to do hundreds of lures.
  14. Wonderful work SpoRoller. I really like the iridescent blue Rogue...well, all of them. Keep em coming, ya got tons a talent.
  15. You can reach rex at. Rex Pendergrass 521 W. Cedar St. Bristol, TN 37620-4264
  16. I love em, you really got it going on...those are awesome!!!
  17. Thanks Cody!! Thanks muskie1958!! The new Cabelas was suposed to open Sept. 4th, but my wife told me this morning in early Aug. Not sure of the date...can't wait though. I'll be able to walk in and buy some stuff I need for lures any how.
  18. Thanks muskie1958. I never knew that. Just send it back to Badger then, eh? Thanks a ton!!! Glad to meet you neighbor!!
  19. I have a 155 Badger Anthem double action. I've torn it down numerous times and cleaned it...soaked it in dish water detergent, and blew it out with air. I have no regulation at all, it's on full blast even at the slightest touch of the trigger. I've taken it apart a ton a times and cleaned it, but this has my stymied. At first I was getting too little air for the preasure, by process of ilimination, it came down the the head. Plenty of air without it, less with it. So, I soaked it in water and dish water detergent, then after an hour of soaking blew it out also with 50pounds of air. Have any ideas what the heck happened? Can a head go bad? Can ya ruin a head? Thanks Terry
  20. Thanks allot Nathan...my customer said he'd take care of the hooks...whew. I made a couple 9" devil's horse prop baits and the 4/0 hooks were too heavy...the hind end sagged in the water. Thanks a million for your response. We have a Cabelas opening here on Sept 4th...so hopefully this won't happen again. Be blessed!!
  21. Does anyone have 6 1/0 treble hooks you could send me a.s.a.p.? If you think it would be faster than 5 days? Gladly pay for em.
  22. I'm using Elmer?s wood glue...mostly because it was handy. I Do sand the plastic...just enough to take the shine off. The glue... I use "just enough" for a very thin coat on the lure, then add the photo image and quickly line it up in place. Then hold the curves down and make sure the edges are also glued down. The Krylon should be: Krylon Workable Fixatif|1306 this is exactly what is written on the can. Your photo Image will not smudge if you get glue on it...it will wipe right off...other wise, smudge city. I'm having no problems at all with the top coat. Make sure you're mixing it well. Do not use wood to stir it with, use plastic or metal stir. Mix it in a plastic souffl? cup, you can but em at restaurants for like $1.89 for 200 of em. Breathe on the epoxy a couple during mixing (as though you were going to clean your glasses) it heats it up a little and eliminates allot of bubbles. Hope this has helped ya.
  23. WOW does that look good in the water. What self respecting bass could pass that up, eh? Great job, enjoyed the video too.
  24. get a can of ultra fine spray glitter, sprays on clear except for the silver flakes. Also you can get the netting at any fabric store, and it's really cheap.
  25. I had the same trouble you're having. It really boils down to practice and learning how to "sweep" or start the paint flow "before" you get to the lure and stop the flow "after" you get past the lure. You could also be holding the airbrush way too close to your work. The finer the detail, the less air pressure, at least for me. I have a double action Badger 155 Anthem and love it and would like to have a couple more...changing colors and cleaning is a pain with one airbrush. There too I have a jug a water on my bench and remove the cup and hold it upside down in the water and hold the triger back...it works. Of course ya have to claen the cup, so to the sink it goes everytime.
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