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Everything posted by Terrydabassman

  1. Great idea...I recently painted a 12" jointed swim bait and sure could a used one of those. You make em and I'm sure a few of us would buy em. :-)
  2. Here's a thought...do a google search on lure carving. Here's one I found http://www.woodcraft.com/family.aspx?familyid=20026
  3. According to the members area, he joined June 30th, 2003 and his last visit was August 20th, 2003 .
  4. Thanks ya all. Yes, these are photo finish lures, top and bottom painted to blend with the colors. I got the photo's on line but don't remember where...maybe the Wisconsin site???
  5. Thanks ya-all. They are photo finish lures with some paint top and bottom. I'm getting ready for spring.
  6. XX hard balsa 2 1/4" long, dive 4' to 6'
  7. Terrydabassman

    Pan Fish Baits

    2 1/4" long in Bluegill, Sunfish and Crappie.
  8. Just remember, we were ALL beginners at one time or another. Welcome to the addiction.
  9. I use water slide decal paper and find it a must to spray it with "Krylon Workable Fixatif" before applying it to the lure. Otherwise you'll lose your print when you soak it in water before applying.
  10. Here's the tutorial. I doubt the photo's are still on TU...gone like so many others.
  11. Action for the fish to bite, paint to make the fisherman bite.
  12. The word AWESOME doesn't begin to describe that bait, WOW!!! Can't wait to see the other ones he sent you. Thanks for posting this, great read too.
  13. I mix Createx "Leaf Green" with a drop of black till I get the shade of olive I want.
  14. I'd say if you can get one slow rising you're not at all far from suspending. But then again these look like huge baits. Maybe get one slow rising then add suspend dots till ya get it just right??
  15. I've never even noticed a star rating thing on here, just comments or reply to the posts. On another forum they had a star rating system and people took great offense if they were 4 stars or below. Personally, I don't see a need for it here on TU. Mama always taught us if you can't say something nice(or helpful), then don't say anything at all.
  16. Here's a start to finish Bomber I made a while back.
  17. Also a Dipsy Diver will get ya down there.
  18. Gives "butt ugly" a whole new meaning.
  19. Awesome baits and great fishing...ya gotta love it.
  20. Awesome bait and I love the rattle idea...can't wait to see how it produces for ya. I'd bet it would be a killer striper bait as well.
  21. Totally awesome, the man is a true artist that's for sure.
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