Take a basic fly tying class is probably the easiest and best way to really get into tying jigs. You will learn knots, techniques, and all about materials and their characteristics. If you can tie a wooly bugger – you can tie any kind of jig (IMO). You want to do fnf jigs – learn to tie streamers. Look up a local fly shop and give them a buzz – I’m sure they will hook you up. Out here Bass Pro offer classes.
An alternative to chenille, much easier to tie off, is dubbing. Or peafowl hurl - a real favorite. I like using the stuff from around the eye, real buggy green with a lot of iridescence.
Dubbing technique is pretty easy and is the tyers choice – loop, spin, wax, no wax….
There are a lot of new and different materials (crystal flash) used in both dubbing and chenille.