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Everything posted by LedHed

  1. You might want to give Shawn a call - see what he has. I am interested in the same modification but would rather order a mold that can do the recessed eyes as opposed to trying to modify one myself. Too much time/labor and couldn't guarantee the results. You can always add conical grips also instead of the barbs. Think there is another member looking for the recessed eyes….
  2. I use the Xcelite flush cutters (when I need them) also but the Xuron sure do look good - bet they ain't cheap.....
  3. Never noticed............. Interesting tip - thnx
  4. The Mickey swim jig was/is (not sure) made by Hilts. It is the BSE series, think I have the ½ oz.
  5. Kelly Yeah – sending them back would be more hassle than its worth. I think EC lacquers their hooks – not sure if others do… Not to hijack this thread but – if I were a big dog – I’d be here everyday. I know of one that does. Totally agree with cheesehead – wouldn’t be surprised at all.
  6. How about a Hilt's (weedless) arky?????? Also Ament made precision custom arky molds.
  7. You need to talk to Tight line Anglers Products –they are a site sponsor. Sure they can help you out especially if you have a proto type. The recessed eye is the trick.
  8. HookUp Know what you mean - sometimes you get that funny look when you are buying 5 or 6 bottles of fingernail polish. Try to send the girlfriend but she is getting tired of my hobby.....
  9. Hey Craig Some here probably envy your situation. Careful on sharing your ideas here - if you plan to capitalize on them.... You guys fish skinny water? Welcome aboard.
  10. Might want to try the search feature also.
  11. GY is supposed to be working with ebay on retrieving their stolen property. So those 5/0 - 35* won’t be around much longer.
  12. Kelly Try a dab of WD 40 (supposed to be fish oil based) - on the points. Seriously doubt that Sharpie is a rust inhibitor. Agree with cheesehead - send them back – but then what do you do???? Depending on what style of hook you are talking about – you might be able to find a different manufacturer…
  13. Chas48 Are you going to add glitter or hi-lite? Shawn M I like the Devcon also – gives the jigs “depth”. Especially with 5and 6 color painted jigs. The fingernail polish is too easy, cheaper, and it serves its purpose – sealing in 3D eyes. For saltwater I use the 2T.
  14. I use fingernail polish (enamel or acrylic) over PP when doing 3D eyes with no problem. Don't like the vinyl stuff.....
  15. Which one is the closest?
  16. Shawn has a "guppy mold" that goes up to 8 oz.
  17. Like to use both Pro-Tec and Columbia Coatings. PT for basic stuff and CC for the special effect stuff. The mid-night clear, illusion colors, and holographic glitter…. Haven’t tried the shimmering translucent yet. I think CC is cheaper but it is a little trickier to work with. Haven’t got any PT in awhile – use to buy it from Netcraft when they had 4 oz cups – not sure if they still do. I would not buy powder paint from ebay. You do not know what you will be getting. Messing around with some PT glow pink that works pretty good – TJ can probably hook you up.
  18. Hey Wayne Welcome to TU. Between this and ULF you aren't going to have much time to fish. You got my PMs, so if you need anything.... Hasta
  19. Very interesting post Thnx
  20. Glaucus Excellent tutorial material and real nice looking baits. " I also have Hagen's and Boggs wire benders. I like them both. Boggs for lighter stuff and Hagen’s for "heavy metal". " Ditto Also have the Herter's and Cabela's bender which are the same.
  21. LedHed

    Pouring Lead

    You can use bees wax or candle wax for flux - very small amounts and be careful adding it to hot lead. You shouldn't have to flux ingots - wheel weights you can.
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