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Everything posted by LedHed

  1. LedHed

    Ultra-lite jigs

    Fly patterns tied on 1/64th jig with a #8 hook.
  2. LedHed

    Ultr-lite jigs

    UL jigs (hard bodies) heads painted with fingernail polish and overcoated with various fingernail finishes.
  3. LedHed

    Powder coated jigs

    Jigs drying after being coated with Devcon 2 T
  4. Some fly boxes can be an inexpensive alternative. There are some expensive fly boxes that come as systems where you inter change the
  5. LedHed

    Pouring jigs

    Pooh Check out a Mustad 33093
  6. Kevlar is >$2 a spool versus <$1 a spool for 3/0 or flat wax. Flat wax gives you a way smoother wrap – looks a lot cleaner. You can use a B or C rod wrapping thread also. Kevlar can cut itself, you, and the bucktail.
  7. Jerry said that Shawn is taking a break to attend to some personal business.
  8. Try a word search (in Search Forms - on my screen it's on the right side, 2nd box down) for micro-mesh, fluid bed, or mcmaster carr.
  9. LedHed

    Jig Swap

    yankee jigger Thnx for the interest – “We must ship 10 packs” – Depends on participation, if 5 members (including yourself) sign up you would ship 5 packs, if 6 signed up – ship 6. The limit is 10 members. With the last swaps all participating members agreed to donate the extra packs to TU. “how many jigs per pack?????” – That is left up to the member’s discretion (what would you charge or what would you pay for one of your baits = $10/per pack). With the wire bait swaps, it averaged 4 to 5 baits a pack. The great thing about the previous swaps was that you got to actually see the baits that members were describing and posting pics of. I was also interested in having my baits critiqued.
  10. LedHed

    Jig Swap

    CJ Last swap was a wire bait and was hosted by celticav in 8/04. Sent Jerry some pics of that swap and hopefully he will post them. The 10th pack went to TU. gtlegs It does get expensive but the return is well worth it - I probaly have 15 different packs through 2 TU swaps and a few straight up member swaps. The problem is I can't fish any of them, they are works of art and they are staying in my collection.
  11. LedHed

    Jig Swap

    Hello TU members Interested in a Jig Swap? I have discussed the matter with the site Administrator have been given the OK to host a, first ever, JIG SWAP. If you are interested please review established terms; 1) TU assumes neither responsibility nor obligations of the TU member
  12. Jerry is working on restoring the pictures as we type. If you click on the upper left box "problems logging in", that will give you a little history of the server crash.
  13. Got hijacked with the server crash.
  14. Hilt's Molds makes a 1/100th roundhead. Have seen them on ebay. You can probably order it from a distributor.
  15. Welcome aboard. Do you tie and fish jigs also?
  16. “How long must the lead stay in the mold to take shape?” Lead sets up quick, but you don’ want to open your mold right away –give it a few minutes. I usually warm up my molds on the pot while it’s heating up and if I’m going to pour different molds – I rotate them on the pot. “Do I have to pick it out of the mold?” Depends on what you are pouring. Keep a pair of pliers, needle nose, and flush cutters near by. Careful when you use tools around molds – don’t want to score or damage the mold. “Does the lead after coming out take long to cool?” The lead cools rapidly – again depends on what you are pouring. Take your time. NO short cuts. I learned from Richoc that you want the lure to cool slowly in the mold before you pop it out – especially with larger jigs. The lead is more malleable and the sprue comes off a lot easier. “If it is hot would I need to put my lead on a surface that could withstand really hot temps?” Your whole work area should be high temp protected. Be prepared for the worse case scenario. “Can I leave some lead in the pot when I'm done pouring or do I have to pour it out into something when I'm done pouring?” I leave a lot of lead, almost full in a 4-20 pot. When you get ready to re-use the pot - don’t mess with it until it’s completely heated up. Don’t forget, at the least, safety glasses and gloves.
  17. LedHed

    PP question

    Shawn The only time I worry about curing right away is when I want to maintain the chrome effect of the jigs with a clearcoat, clearcoat/glitter, or translucence PP. Usually apply and cure right after making the jig. You can wait – depends on the purity of your lead (how fast it will oxidize). cadman “Then I rack them or drop them in water.” Why the “water dip”? MDC “I clean all of mine before curing, just think it looks better, but I'm not mass producing heads either.” I agree on all three points. I don’t pre-heat the jigs to full cure temp prior to applying the PP, just hot enough for the paint to stick. Makes cleaning the eyes much easier. Does look better and (don’t know why) have more confidence in the knot with the cleaned eye. Mass production usually sacrifices the attention to detail.
  18. Cadman Not sure how they are doing the tutorials now. The one (word doc. with jpegs) I did was emailed to art brush and he formatted it for the site. Haven’t seen art brush posting in awhile so you might have to submit it to Gerry.
  19. LedHed


    robbor Turner Jones is the man – the reason I started tying my own. His jigs are awesome. Back in the 80’s they were cheap. After Turner got ripped off they started jacking up the price and when it went over a buck, had to learn how to make my own. Too bad – the 1/256th is a killer on trout and bluegill. Some one was selling bulk micro heads on ebay, haven’t seen it lately. They were selling micro tubes also. Isn’t the scampi a single dip plastic? You might be able to do something with a #12 hook and a bead of solder. Make a jig to hold the hook (similar for what they use to solder ice jigs) with a dimple under the elbow of the hook and add a dab of solder. Or, use fly tying lead, one or two wraps and cover it with fingernail polish. Party Crasher If you like ultra-lite jigs – you have to check out the micros. Sure would like to know how they secure the marabou.
  20. LedHed


    There is a tutorial on tying ultra – lite jigs on this site. Unfortunately, since the last server crash, the tutorials do not have the pictures. The smallest jig I can pour/ tie is a size 1/100th (Hilts) with a Mustad #12. I’ve fished with Turner’s 1/128th/#10 and a 1/256th/#12. Couple of good reads are; Angler’s Guide to jigs and Jigging – Kern Oberrecht Streamers & Bucktails – Joseph D. Bates If you don't know anyone that ties, try to get into a basic fly tying class - check with a local fly shop.
  21. Ted Very informative – take some pictures and submit as a tutorial.
  22. LedHed

    New from Ca.

    Hola vancej Welcome aboard. Flyfish? Supposed to be going up in Feb to fish the Lower Owens out of Brock’s.
  23. LedHed


    Josh I am not a company and can not assist with the sponsorship but I can, and will, donate some jigs for your endeavor. The only thing I require is that you provide some type verification of the tournament. I think it is very commendable that you are supporting your friend and his family.
  24. devil fish If you want the warm fuzzy feeling do the 2 T but on 1 oz jigs you will go through a lot. Ditto on the previous posts - pay close attention to your curing temp/time. I use 2 T for jigs with eyes. Those are usually the first ones to get hung up.
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