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Everything posted by LedHed

  1. Can't help you with the Mylar but nice trolling head. How are you doing the eyes?
  2. "some of my Ugly ducklins " - no way. Good looking lures.
  3. Cavu Had the same discussion with Pro Tech, when I was trying to trouble shoot my fluid bath that I had purchased from them. Haven't had much problem with pearl ? but I mix a fine holographic glitter (from Columbia Coatings) in it and that might be stabilizing the paint. If the saltwater swap happens you will see the results. Doing a "Sardinia" (red, white, and blue) and a Mexican Flag (red, white, and green) using the pearl for the white. My problem child is a red (Pro Tec) that I mixed with an awesome glittered red (candy apple red?) I got from Color Rite (this is before I got the holographic glitter). You get anywhere close to 325F and it wants to run and sag. Some things I try to remember; Don't commit anything to memory (mixing ratios, curing temperatures, etc); write it down (preferably in a dedicated notebook). Use a reliable temperature reference. Experimenting is fun. When you pooch the paint job on a jig, you have made a donation (I've made a lot of donations). Use cheap hooks when you are starting out ? no fun when you goof on an Owner or Gamakatsu. Jig Man Regular artist paint brush work well. The further you are away from the jig the finer the powder but you sacrifice control and you have a bigger mess to clean up. You still have to "fluff" your paint when you are using the paintbrush.
  4. Jig Man My set up is almost like cavu's ? the difference is the way my rack is set up. On the very back of the rack I cut the rack's end rail (that runs parallel to the back of the toaster) about a ? inch from the two side supporting rails. These cuts let me bend the rack in the middle to about a 60 degree angle (bent L shape). Now the rail that was at the back is angled up and I can hang my jigs on it. Took a Dremel and cut some grooves on the rail to minimize the jigs from moving around. I can do up to 14 jigs at a time ? lots more if I'm doing UL jigs. BTW ? picked up another toaster at a yard sale for $5 Saturday. Same model (newer) as my old one, so didn't have to make a new rack. Surprised you didn't get more runs/drips then scorching with your old set up. Way to close to your heat source. Cavu failed to mention that he has posted a very informative tutorial on powder painting that covers a lot of basics. Also, monitoring your temperature is critical, especially if you get into using different manufacture's paint (Color-Rite, Columbia Coatings, etc.). They aren't as easy as Pro Tec but the effects you can get are worth the effort. I use a thermocouple and a TC reader.
  5. LedHed

    Hook Painting

    Flats is doing it with phosphorus (glow in the dark) powder paint on a worm hook.
  6. WallsOut If the eyes are clean when you cure the jigs ? you're probably using too much paint and your cure temperature is too high. If you reduce the cure temperature you have to extend the cure time. JIGMAKER Dremel would be good on big stuff don't know about the small stuff. Would be careful on what bit you use (especially with saltwater jigs) ? could nick the metal of the eye and that would be a good place for rust. Read somewhere about heating up a paper clip and pushing it through the clogged eye.
  7. Very interesting site ? really liked the powder painting section. The bucktail section is very informative.
  8. I would like to get in on the ?Fly swap? also. Am in the same boat that cavu is (jig swap and up coming saltwater swap). Most of the stuff I tie is small, wet patterns, and attractors. Also tie fly patterns on ultra-lite jigs (this would be a good post ?is it a jig or is it a fly? hmm?). I?m interested in anything custom tied. Late fall would be great.
  9. Check out deadlystreamer's tutorial in the "How To" section.
  10. cavu It's all good - I don't have a color preference. I'm in the swap to see different stuff. All my packages are mixed - more variety. Tried to get TU members jigs I think might match their fishing. Unfortunately ? JIM informed me that 4 of the packs had opened during shipping. So, some of the packs might not be as intended.
  11. LedHed

    saltwater swap?

    I?m in. JIM ? you knew it was coming? Flats ? figured it would be you or JIGMAKER that would start it up. CJ ? going to have to label a tackle box ?CJ?. Big stuff is good, sure it will bump up shipping (oh well). Would like to see the ?auction pak? continue ? and the rest of you TU members???
  12. Has anyone tried this glitter in powder paint? Think the melting temperature for plastics and cure temps for powder paint are pretty close.
  13. LedHed


    I like to fish both Bluewater and Inshore but if it came down to one or the other ? it would have to be Inshore.
  14. Yeah, I thought thought so too - but I already sent 12. The extra is going to the auction. So TU will have two packs of my jigs up for bid.
  15. LedHed

    Poly bags

    Flats Thanx for the info. Can you update your account with your web site?
  16. Tm Hope everything goes OK. Scary stuff - 2 years ago sliced two fingers (one to the bone) and thumb on my left hand with a broadhead. Thought I wouldn't be able to do jigs or wrap rods anymore but it worked out. Hope to see your stuff on the next swap. JIM Since you have Tm's pack from me, go ahead and donate it for the TU auction. Any word on auction details yet?
  17. TM Sorry to hear about your hand and that you have to cancel. JIM Options? You should have got my package by now.
  18. JIM Are you going to be posting pics again?
  19. De Very Excellent work ? can?t wait?.
  20. Like it also but how do you get to your PMs other than responding to your regular email?
  21. My package is going out today - got some new stuff I think you guys will like.
  22. JIM Great idea - like the fact that you aren't making it mandatory. So it's still 12 packs by the 28th.
  23. I like Cj's idea - the 12th package goes to TU. A site wide swap would be interesting also.
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