A lot of jig makers, especially for saltwater, use Devcon 2T for a protective overcoat or to secure 3-D eyes to the jig. You can use thinned down 2T (with glitter mixed in)) on thread wraps for a very tough finish.
You can use both FP (fingernail polish – both acrylic and enamel) and Devcon 2T. Not only does it add protection to the lure/eyes it also enhances the colors and brings out the luster in glitters, especially when you use illusion powder paint - almost a 3-D effect.
I tape my jigs to the section dividers that come with plastic storage boxes. Mix up a batch of 2T, apply, and stick the dividers in the box to let cure. The stuff levels out well enough on its own. I have a picture posted in the jig section of the Gallery of some of the saltwater jigs drying.
Or, like BV posted earlier – use a drying wheel.