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Everything posted by LedHed

  1. Pa_angler Welcome into the underground. Do an advanced search in wire baits for musky. Lot of stuff. Check out luremaking.com and tacklemaking. com also.
  2. Jigslinger Welcome into the underground - don't forget to cruise the gallery also....
  3. The problem with candles is the soot - but if it works for you and your comfortable with it..... The heat gun gives you more control and if you decide to try the brush techniques you will need one. You apply your undercoat, then your color, and then cure. Don't forget to surf the gallery also.
  4. Neil Welcome into the underground. Get yourself a heat gun - it's alot easier and safer to use. You proboably need to apply an undercoat of white (this is where a fluid bed comes in handy) and then use your yellow.
  5. Jim If you are looking for Do-It to use , buy them new. I get mine from Shark River Mail Order. You can find the collectables (still functional) molds like Palmer, Ament, Hilt's. Lil' Mac, etc. on eBay. You really don't find the "deals" anymore. Too many people looking for molds...
  6. That’s a coin toss between J and K – have both – can’t hurt to have too many crimps. Like using Outfitters Choice DSC and DSCL (longer) – they are black and good for mono up to 100lb. Momoi has a size S (0.33 – 0.70) Sevenstrand – A5 (.7) or MSA.7 (.7) There are plenty more Berkley, Cabela’s…….
  7. Daffy Duck Are the lead heads, posted in the last pictures, store bought or home made?
  8. Ditto Nova plus lots of lights.
  9. WOW!!! Those baits are great. Talk about improvising. Very interesting post.
  10. Great post Whiz Jig. Now - how do the Hilt's compare to the Do-It???
  11. Probably around $1 a pound - eBay price.
  12. Jason O Go to tacklemaking.com and then to wire baits. A lot of information regarding spinners.
  13. Sagacious Excellent link. Pakula.com has some good info on rigging and swaging also. PSV You might want to shop around for a swagger – Jinkai makes a real good one. Had problems with a Berkley swager - dies weren't aligned. The TyGerTM is some awesome stuff – use it for fishing inshore Costa Rica and fishing up/down Baja. Saves lures from the Sierras. You can buy it direct.
  14. Check out Fishing Hawaii Style, Volume 3 - by Jim Rizzuto. I think you can find it at Hawaiifishingnews.com. Step by step instructions for different types of trolling lures.
  15. Welcome into the undeerground. Excellent place to expand on your jig knowledge.
  16. Do a word search, in the wire bait forum, for "shad 9"
  17. Awesome lure making site - they just picked up the Bogg's bender videos.
  18. Better off buying the mold. You could modify that mold - what is your time/effort worth vs cost of the mold/shipping (and it will be done right)? Ditto pirkfan - not worth the risks.
  19. LedHed

    Hair jigs

    Check your yellow pages for a local fly shop - give them a buzz. Fly clubs usually have fly tyers that could probably help you out as well.
  20. Welcome in to the underground KcKid. You want to make jigs - you are at the right place.
  21. Are you using a bottom pour? If you are - get the mold spru hole as close to the pour spout as you can - after you start your pour - very slowly start moving the mold away from the spout. And is your lead hot enough?
  22. I think Jim at predator bass baits is selling one with mixer and temp control.
  23. Think Columbia Coatings has the tape and teflon plugs also.
  24. LedHed

    new to tu

    fng Welcome in to the underground
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