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Everything posted by slickemslew

  1. del, I didnt realize he bought this calhoun plastic from you. One would of thought your customers would contact you directly if he/she didnt want an open thread on this topic. Although you seem to have the most knowledge in the soft plastic industry, you might just rub a few people wrong sometimes ?. Thanks for all your input, and again it was just a suggestion on my part and I can leave it at that.
  2. It was just a suggestion, I dont see any yellow in my five gallon or any seperation. It just seems del is very defensive to every thread. Is TU open to the public or is this just a click you have to be in?
  3. Try M-F plastic, There is no yellowing and no settle at the bottom.
  4. Thats going to be your problem. Most opaque colors, it seems to me are the basic colors black, orange, red, yellow, white, brown, pearl colors, flourescent colors, silver and more. All though I guess all colors could be transparent with very little color added, like smoke(black). Havent trid the crayons yet, but I would think they are all opaque? Not all transparent colors are marked "transparent" from the manufactures. Hope this helps and dont fell dumb.................oh and the slick... Willy might be a good name for the next will that comes along
  5. Are you using transparent colors or opaque colors? You can see through mf strawberry-10, w. green-11, all transparent colors and a crap pot more. black, white, orange,...............and so on not so clear.
  6. polyester glitter is coated for a reason, to take heat. glitter comes in sheets of "epoxy" coated glitter when it is cut it leaves a uncoated edge where the cut is made. square - 4 sides , hex 6 six sides. that why we all have problem with bleeding, curling and melting. so if you cut it up into smaller pieces there will be even more uncoated glitter, with more problems.............so if you like problems with glitter keep cuttin.. the smallest silver hologram i have ran across is .004 x ? "hell small". like sand. i have about 2 ounces left if you need it just (im) me sometime. hope this will help you guys with glitter problems. you might buy glitter one time dont mean it will work the next time........hand poured worme 4 ya. good day
  7. just im'ed z........ told him that was the funniest thing i ever heard, told him to call m-f 817-281-9488 explain to him the problem, they would probably replace it. you thimk that color is bad try the flo pink.. still laughing 15 minutes later still laughing couldnt eat lunch without food flying out my mouth. we got to talking at lunch we dicided he probably wasent using the right hand to shake with, still laughing try using the hand you play with you shake with, there shouldnt be any problem. lol shakeing the botle till you yall out M-F
  8. oh sorry i posted this on the wrong comment was supposed to be on the crawfish color.
  9. i just im'ed z........ told him that was the funniest thing i ever heard, told him to call m-f 817-281-9488 explain to him the problem, they would probably replace it. you thimk that color is bad try the flo pink.. still laughing 15 minutes later still laughing couldnt eat lunch without food flying out my mouth. we got to talking at lunch we dicided he probably wasent using the right hand to shake with, still laughing try using the hand you play with you shake with, there shouldnt be any problem. lol shakeing the botle till you yall out M-F good day all
  10. well if you pay 80 or 90 bucks a 5 gallon can, shipping is around 17 to 25 bucks, you can pour up to 3500 worms. if you can catch one fish per worm thats pretty damn good. so for $115.00 3500 fish sounds good. so i dont know why everybody is so scared to spend a little money to catch fish on a hand poured worm with quality plastic like M-F, even shipped by ups or whatever. try driving to ca, or ny see how much that cost. so either change hobbies or get what you pay for. just be happy that we still have fish in the lake..............because next generation theres no telling what the fish are going to be like.........
  11. i have atarted using double sided tape. a good quality, with rtv as posted before. good luck
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