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  1. The old man and I went and gave try Striper fishing at the Delta this weekend. More some to break in the new motor on the boat. Lots of driving was done...No bites No fish Sean I would be interested in looking into purchasing glass eyes. I'll send him a Email Thank you I took this pic of some cheese at the Delta Rib-it Rib-it...CABOOSH!!!
  2. The material used is called Timbron. I'm sure it has to be bad in some way to your health. Smells funny when turning or sanding. I'm still young and dumb. I'm guilty of wearing the white paper masks. I Like the ones Carolina Chip put up from 3Com. Going to HDepot later to look into a good one.
  3. Good to know. Thanks Jed. Just about any thing today were finding can be harmful to our health. As for the wood, a thing of the pass in my shop. I made a switch to a post recycled hard plastic. This material is strong, paint holds up better when epoxy coated. I like the moisture free aspect of this material. Weighs the same as dry wood. Always where air masks and goggles while working when needed.
  4. Yea kind of Just imagine the green hair moss caked up real thick. In the hot summer months it turns greenish yellow on the surface. I guess it looks like cheese.?. Fish love sitting underneath it.
  5. Here in the Delta we got allot of cheese mats. Having the fish come up and hit the frogs on top is a blast. Early summer to late fall is notorious for catching these nice frog eating Delta bass. Allot of Clear Lake fisherman toss frogs all year long. Your lure would be great Cool let me know what dude has available when you here from him. Would be intrested in 9mm and 12mm sizes Let me know
  6. Those frogs wouldn't have a chance here on the California Delta. They would be eaten for sure! Also really like the glass eyes. Did you buy or make the eyes? Very intrested... Good job
  7. Jake, I went ahead and tried the boiling of the plastic tail. It worked fine on the desiring bend needed for the tail to kick even harder while retrieving in the water. After a quick dip in boiling water I pinched the tail in the position needed while dunking into ice cold water for a minute. Works fine! A BIG Thank you!
  8. This is probably a dumb question or may be I was wrong in thinking: How does some plastic baits after a while become more stiff than others? or vise a versa? soft. Does this happen on its own or does it take other plastics to merge with one. Some thing like a chemical reaction sorry just trying to figurer this out to make do.
  9. I think I'll try the suggestion of Boiling them. Microwave sounds like it might be to much of variables involved. Thinking the flake inside might be an issue? Also not being able to be consistant with the heat given could resualt in unwanted melt downs. Here may be another question: Will slow cooled vs fast cooled make changes in the plastics? Thinking harder or softer texture?
  10. Thing is I'm not pouring the tails I have someone else doing this for me. I was kind of hoping that there was a way to do this by heating the plastic back up. Or could there be some kind of chemical that would take out some properties of the plastic and allowing it to be reshaped? Placing a book on top of the folded piece kind of works but not for long or as quickly as needed to be in use. Yes I will have baits at the Open. If you like a particular size or color pattern. Please Email soon with your ideas. Other wise it's first come first serve basis. Thank you
  11. I am playing around with the tails of the 4EYE. I had a few tails that the bottom half were curved in shape. At first I didn't not want to use them. Found out later that they give off a bigger kick when being retrieved in the water. They are about 2/8 thick with resisted lines running through both sides. I would show pic just to early to figure out how to post it.
  12. Hello Everyone, one word ?Awesome? this site is what I?ve been looking for to help me in my lure making. With in a short amount of time of reading over your topics and replies I can tell there is MUCH TALENT here. I?m kind of new when it comes to lure making. Little over a year ago I began to experiment with making lures to catch fish. I?ve done a little work with lead jigs in the pass and had the enjoyment of catching fish on my lures. I think it was then when I was pretty much hooked on making my lures for myself and others. Today I make a lure called 4EYE a cross between a crank bait and a swim bait. I?ve gone through a great deal of a learning curve on my own and with the help of others. In my quest to help others obtain a trophy catch. I have A LOT of great ideas I would like to share and bring to market. Today I have my hands full with the 4EYE. If you visit my site please excuse the site for it is not updated/mis-spellings and lack of details. Look forward in being part of this site in the great intrest of lure making. JC
  13. With out going back and making a new mold. My Question: How can I go about and make a L shape bend in a strait piece of soft plastic and have it remain this way for long use? Thank you for your replies in advances. In hope to help others in their lure making and the enjoyment of catching fish. JC
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