The fiberglass resin molds are really easy. I just use old glass cake pans (garge sell items), the are probably 8x8 or so. Glue your baits to the bottom of the glass pan with super glue, let the super glue dry good. Go buy some Fiber Glass Resin at you local auto-parts store, mix the resin and hardner together in the recommended amounts as per the container. And then pour it into the glass pan. Usually just takes a few hours to setup. Then just pull the mold out of the glass pan and get any remaining plastic out of the mold, use something like a drimle to clean up the mold edges, ect...
At that point I usually do about 2 pours with some old junk plastic to remove and left over fiberglass dust, ect.. from the mold and you should be all ready to go.
Be sure to follow the recommended amount of resin to harderner, to little will give you a nice nasty gummy mold, and to much hardner till cause it to have cracks in it. Been there done that.
Make sure the baits are glued to the pan really well, as if you have any places that are not glued the resin will get into that area and will require a little more use of the dremile. You can use any kind of pan from a old aluminum pie pan, metal cake pans, ect... I just prefer to use the glass pans because it makes the mold itself alot smoother.
Hope this helps you out.