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Everything posted by jwfflipper

  1. if you use a laser jet printer you don't have to seal the paper but if it's just a ink jet use a high gloss lacquer and spray several LIGHT coats instead of one heavy coat . Trust me I learned the hard way!! I make several 100 of these a year and this is the best way I know how to do it. And a Good topcoat will bring out the colors! Jeff
  2. experiment with the angles to try and get what you want. If you don't know what you want out of your bait no one else can tell you. I went through 20 different prototypes and a year to finally get what I have.
  3. what wood will you be using? If it balsa I would think it would be different than the cedar or foam depending on which one you have. If it is cedar and weighted and sealed and painted in the same way you may get close to the original. Skeeter may know as I sure he has done similar tests. Jeff RiverValleyCrankbaits
  4. I haven't sealed my fiber lips in 14 years of making baits and see no reason to seal them. You have to remember epoxy is a encapsulating material and it will stiffen the fiber to some extent, to what extent I don't know and I doubt anyone has taken the time to test the theory. Plus if you use the crankbait as it should be ie; deflecting off on rocks, trees ect the epoxy will be ground off the edges anyway. Hope this helps. Jeff
  5. yea those really look like custom stencils!! lol Duct tape and paper
  6. Hey Ben. Did you get flat stencils cut or vacuumed formed? Jeff
  7. Nicely done!! Looks amazing!!
  8. have you tried the search function on the upper right? I have been using fiber board from over a decade and won't use anything else. buy some of each and try it because each gives different results RiverValleyCrankbaits
  9. Ben I use erasing shields for my gills, eyes ect you can cut or tape them to fit your needs Pacific Arc from Hobby Lobby www.pacificarc.us
  10. Welcome!! Just set up a transfer to TU from your banking account because that's where your money now goes!! All the people on here love to see new folks spend countless amounts of money and time to get they're "FIX" in crankbait making and painting!! lol Jeff RiverValleyCrankbaits
  11. did you create a new plastic crankbait or just bought a knockoff and paint it? yes a heat gun can be to hot on plastic. I use a hair dryer to dry my paint.
  12. always use 30 minutes epoxy and he probably meant "less" turning but do make yourself a turner it will be a great asset for you
  13. yea but are you catching any bass?
  14. you still around? lol hows NC?
  15. You'll find with the neo that after awhile of painting and CLEANING the brush the chrome on the bottom of the paint canal will disappear. This in turn will cause the paint to "stick" to the bottom a little more than it would if the chrome was still there. I would wear out a Neo in about two months of painting but i do have a crankbait business that I stay busy at. And like gone2long said above they aren't made by Iwata. Jeff RiverValleyCrankbaits
  16. I use a Paasche single action siphon feed and don't have any problems I have three to use one for each tip I also have 5 Iwata Neos but find myself going back to the Paasche. Jeff RiverValleyCrankbaits
  17. From what I have seen the XR series are now YUM products
  18. yup that's the one, I checked on it
  19. I use "sand color" but can't remember who makes it. Jeff
  20. I use a modified apple peeler and 0.51 wire. Been using it for 10 years and it's still going strong
  21. I use the little Harbor Freight airbrush compressor and it works great not load and air builds up real quick and water catch. Jeff
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