I remember one time while I lived in North Carolina( Bob Szymzkowskis area) you know him Herman, that David Fritts lays his baits out to fade and he also was saying that water over 8 ft deep in most of the lakes and rivers are too stained for fish to see most colors.
And in a previous post you made Herman that pros hide what they use is the truth. We had David Wright , Gerald Beck and David Fritts come to our club and talk about the stuff that they use and they all said they use their sponsers stuff and no one elses. They where on Browning and Poes, "PROSTAFF" and just a few weeks later I was fishing a tourny at High Rock Lake and Wright come pulling up beside me and we were talking and I noticed he and his partner was using Lews rod and reels and had bagleys crankbaits tied on and there were no known colors tied on their rods but they later became colors for Poes crankbaits so they don't always have what the general public sees. Just what I have seen.