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Everything posted by jwfflipper

  1. I use Windex Jeff Francis RiverValleyCrankbaits
  2. It should be ok, I don't see anything as to make not run right as I have lips that are as long as my bait and they run just fine. Just make sure everything is inline and balanced right. Jeff
  3. you can also check here to see what they have JJ Orly 866-695-9320 I have bought fiberboard from them and it is as close to translucent white as you can get
  4. Or it is the A.L. (T75C15) from Sherman Williams. most S.W. do not carry it in their stores but they do have it! Right around $83 is what my local store told me. James used this to protect his water based paint before applying the Napa A.L. as the napa AL is a stronger solvent base AL. than the S.W. AL. and the reason that I know this is because I have been his friend for over 20yrs and he helped to teach me how to build baits. Jeff
  5. It is a acrylic lacquer that was bought from Napa
  6. I use a modified appl peeler. remove the cutter and get a adapter from any hardware store and a couple of 90 degree hooks in the size you want your line tie and rear hook hanger and epoxy it in one end and screw the other end onto your peeler. Not that hard to do. If I knew how to up load pics I would show it. I use fiftyone thousandths soft stainless fromharbor freight. I have a pair of safety pliers and don't use them as the are to slow compared to the peeler. Jeff
  7. Herman, how in the world did you ever meet Szymakowski? I've known him for 11-12 yrs now. Good guy! And he will represent our crankbaits well! Jeff
  8. I remember one time while I lived in North Carolina( Bob Szymzkowskis area) you know him Herman, that David Fritts lays his baits out to fade and he also was saying that water over 8 ft deep in most of the lakes and rivers are too stained for fish to see most colors. And in a previous post you made Herman that pros hide what they use is the truth. We had David Wright , Gerald Beck and David Fritts come to our club and talk about the stuff that they use and they all said they use their sponsers stuff and no one elses. They where on Browning and Poes, "PROSTAFF" and just a few weeks later I was fishing a tourny at High Rock Lake and Wright come pulling up beside me and we were talking and I noticed he and his partner was using Lews rod and reels and had bagleys crankbaits tied on and there were no known colors tied on their rods but they later became colors for Poes crankbaits so they don't always have what the general public sees. Just what I have seen.
  9. bbf, i got mine at our local tractor supply company. I have found that 3/16 inch holes spaced 1/2 inch apart is good for my platen(punch plate). I made sure that there are ateast 3 holes will be under my baits at all times to insure even pull around them. I started out with 30ths but went to 15ths as it pulls easier and cuts alot better than the thicker stuff. Hope this helps! Jeff
  10. Nice job!! Question, Why couldn't we just combine all the pieces into one unit and lay the plastic over the baits at the same time as it is getting hot? And when the plastic heats up enough then we turn on the vac and it sucks the plastic over the baits. Just a thought. I built mine like in this blog www.vacuumformerplans.blogspot.com but i am going to build a smaller one like Coleys jeff
  11. Great video. Learned a few things.
  12. Just like Herman said, but if want to sell them be sure to get the proper papers in order for your taxes and your tax I.D. number make suren you charge tax and always keep money aside in case Uncle Sam comes knocking!!There has been a lot of crack downs lately by the government. Jeff
  13. jwfflipper


    Great looking stencil! Thats where I learned and from RayburnGuy
  14. I know the man personally and new ones are pretty darn expensive, not for your average builder unless you you have about $15,000 you can dropped
  15. It is a old crankbait machine from lee sisson, maybe my next purchase
  16. I have NEO and it works great for everything that I do! At $60.00 you cant beat it, but I also have a Paashe single action with three tips, I use it for my pearls. Jeff
  17. Mine does the same thing and I have had no ill effects from it. Jeff
  18. you made need to adjust your lip angle and line tie as said, but try a 4 gram belly weight you can buy from kevin at LPO. what fiber lip are you using? try the f-9 or the f-2 they should give you all the action you need with that little bait. Jeff
  19. I use a apple peeler that is modified and a pair of twist pliers. the twist pliers really keeps the loop in a much flatter plain than the nail way. IMOA, but thats just me. been using it now for 6 yrs and I use CA glue to glue in my line tie and hook hangers and so far so good! Jeff
  20. I install all of my lips after i paint my lures, I have 3 layers of topcoat so I put the lip in after I apply the first layer then apply the rest. I don't not like paint on my lips for all of my new cranks, repaints of course will have a little on the lip. Jeff
  21. First of all you would have to make sure it was allowed by code and if there would be any restrictions at the mall
  22. I think you are making harder than it should be. Go to lure parts online and there are plastic plug inserts that you can put in your baits. You can use the screw eyes and props just like I do for my topwater propbaits, I epoxy the plug in and it is done except for yoru cup washers and props. Just don't make it harder than it has to be! Jeff Francis RiverValleyCranksBaits
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