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  1. Speaking of it I was on for about 10 min and it locked up had to Ctrl-Alt-Delete and kill off the TU window. -Corey
  2. That is the reason I stop using this site about a year ago. Very SLOW and locking up when I was in a hurry. This is the only site doing it so it is not my computer I have high speed Internet. Great site!!!! Just slow! -Corey
  3. How do you bend the new straight tallywacker tails? I?m looking at making prop baits. I have the tails. I just don?t know how you bend them!!! -Corey
  4. Woodieb8, That 35?er that straighten out the split ring I hand landed it. So the net was never in play with it. Yes you are right I have seen a fish pull out eye-hooks out of baits in the net. -Corey
  5. When I first got my VL my AB did the same thing. The only time it would spray was when I had the air up in the 40Lbs and paint like water. I found out that the hose in the jar was sitting on the bottom. I cut just a little off and I was good to go. -Corey
  6. Jarron, Yes, in theory the line would brake before the lure but when the fish is head shaking and rolling and hopefully gets in the net. You can?t imagine how much strength and power they have. I have had a 35? fish straighten out 125LBS split rings when I was using 80LBS line. Save yourself and the fish headaches. Step up to the .092 Magnum Screw eyes. Then you don?t have to think about it when you have a big fish on. http://www.staminainc.com/plug_hardware/magnum_screweyes_092.html -Corey
  7. Jed, I had a lure I was testing sink just fine when I added the etex it did not sink after that. What type of top-water are you making? Some don?t need any weight!!
  8. I think nim_evets is trying to say you can use almost anything you want. It is how much you want to spend. I started with paint cans!!! I have three baits I still use the cans on. Because they are my best sellers and I cant get the same results from the airbrush. After all is said up to date I have over $1500 in tools for lure making and it grows almost everyday. I also started with the cheep Harbor Freight airbrush at first. Now I have 2 Passche VL airbrushes and 1 touch-up spray gun for primer and sealer. Unless if you are loaded and rolling in it, I think everyone needs to start somewhere.
  9. ckarren


    I spray my glitter with the airbrush, it is extremely messy and it takes sometime. I don?t recommend trying it this way on just one lure. I will see if I can get a photo added tomorrow. -Corey Karren www.tyjack.com
  10. I have a question, say I took a bluegill and made a mold from the actual fish. There is no why I can patent any part of this bait, ?right?. Unless I make a special tail, way to hook on the hooks or any alterations and that is what the patent protects. Thanks -Corey
  11. I have sprayed etex with a cheep airbrush, Rich told me his secret and it works great. The dry time is when it hits you lure it is drying working time 10Min. The only problem for me is I need a thick clear coat for musky lures. I use it on my salmon and walleye baits. Thanks Rich. -Corey
  12. When I mix my etex I use the brush I am going to use to paint it on, ?Don?t use anything wood?. I beat it like mad for over 4min. Work it both clock and counterclockwise after every 30sec go around the sides of the cup good and switch from circular to zigzags for 30sec switch from the circles to zigzags for like 4 or 5min. This is where people go wrong, if you have ever used devcon you try not to get bubbles in it when you mix it. When I mix etex I try and see how many bubbles I can get in the mix. You are trying to turn it cloudy with a ton of bubbles. Now that is why everyone is saying you let the etex set for 10-15 minutes this allows the bubbles to come to the surface and pop. Do not put it on until it is clear again. Yes you may have to degas it, but I have never had a bait not setup doing it this way. -Corey
  13. Jed, What is happing is when you put the first coat of the Kilz on it is lifting the grain of the wood and holding it open. If you have your Kilz like water it is soaking in the wood deeper and not sealing the pores of the wood. So you have a minute opening where air can get trap. Now when your etex is heated up it is more of a runny liquid. Now the etex is getting sucked in the wood pore and sealing the hole and causing the trapped air too escape creating the bubbles. Two things you can do (one) use thicker kilz, (two) sand after each coat of kilz. When I do my dipping I will let the first coat dry, I speed up with a heat lamp. This might help maybe it is drying the kilz before it soaks in the wood deeper. When I have dipped all my baits I start back at the first one. I hit it with 200 grit sandpaper smooth all the wood grain down. Wipe with a damp cloth and dry. I do this with the rest of the baits. Then I flip it over and dip the other end. I let this one dry over night. The next day I sand it and it so smooth and no raised wood grain. Jed, I have started using the same wood you are using for a top water lure. I have not run into the problem that you are having. But I will say this, I have seen the lure suck in more of the kilz and lift the grain more then my maple lures. Jed, I know we can get this to work for you PM me. I tried to call you on Tuesday night tell me when the best time I can call so we can see what we are doing different. -Corey
  14. Every time I order from Stamina something is out of stock. And the price could come down some. -Corey
  15. Jed, One Question how many times do you dip your baits in killz? I am sure I know what is happing. -Corey
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